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American Museum of Natural History: p. 29, 45 (left), 66; Des Bartlett, © National Geographic Society: 71 (top); David Brill:

12, 17 141, 147; Bobbie Brown: 150, 151, 233 (left); Bob Camp-bell, © National Geographic Society: 104; Cleveland Museum of Natural History: 19, 44 (right), 215; Ives Coppens: 90; Luba Dmyt-ryk: 27, 35, 39, 47, 49, 71 (bottom), 77, 117 (middle), 117 (bottom), 132, 136, 137, 193–201, 236; Gerry Eck, 87; Gordon W. Ga-han, © National Geographic Society: 106; Tom Gray: 168; Melville Bell Grosvenor, ©National Geographic Society: 67; John Gurche: 53, 235, 238, 239; F. Herholdt: 45 (right); Donald C. Jo-hanson: 15, 117 (top), 159, 164, 257, 261; Peter Jones: 181, 183;


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