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The science and mysticism of crop circles. 2000.

95.  Strieber Whitley. Transformation. N.Y.: Avon Books, 1988.

96.  UFO the continuing enigma. Digest, 1991.

97.  Vallee J. Messenger of Deception, Berkeley.: And / Or Press, 1979.

98.  Vallee J. UFO chronicles of the Soviet Union. N. Y.: Ballantine Books, 1992.

99.  Vigay Paul. The Chilbolton Arecibo message Formation, 2001.

100.  Von Ludwiger I. Der Stand der UFO-Forschung. Frankfurtam-Main.: 1992.

101.  Von Ludwiger I . UFOs-Zeugen und Zeichen. Berlin.: Collection Buch Plus, 1995.

102.  Worley Donald. L aughs, Trioks and Worse in UFOlogy. www.abduct.com/worley.

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