I felt her personality in her paltry possessions and believed she had left us clues. Apparently, she had worn men's undershirts instead of bras, and we found three pairs of ladies' panties and several bandannas.
All of her belongings were worn and dirty, but there was a suggestion of order and care in neatly mended tears, and the needles, thread and extra buttons she had kept in a plastic box. Only the black jeans and faded sweatshirt had been rudely wadded or were inside out, and we suspected this was because she had been wearing them when Gault forced her to disrobe in the dark.
By late morning, we had gone through every item with no success in getting closer to identifying the victim we had begun to call Jane. We could only assume that Gault got rid of any identification she might have carried, or else Benny had taken what little money she might have owned and disposed of what she had kept it in. I didn't understand the chronology of when Gault might have left the knapsack on Benny's blanket, if that was, in fact, what Gault had done.
'How much of this stuff are we checking for prints?' Maier said.
'In addition to the items we've already gotten,' I suggested, 'the tin whistle has a good surface for prints. You might try an alternate light source on the knapsack. Especially the inside of the flap, since it's leather.'
'The problem's still her,' Marino said. 'Nothing here's going to tell us who she is.'
'Well, I got news for you,' said Maier. 'I don't think identifying Jane's gonna help us catch the guy who killed her.'
I looked at him and watched his interest in her fade. The light went out of his eyes, and I had seen this before in deaths where the victim was no one. Jane had gotten as much time as she was going to get. Ironically, she would have gotten even less had her killer not been notorious.
'Do you think Gault shot her in the park, then went from there to the tunnel where her knapsack was found?' I asked.
'He might have,' Maier said. 'All he had to do was leave Cherry Hill and catch the subway at, say, Eighty-sixth or Seventy-seventh Streets. It would take him straight to the Bowery.'
'Or he could have taken a taxi, for that matter,' Commander Penn said. 'What he couldn't have done was walk. It's quite a distance.'
'What if the knapsack was left at the scene, right out there by the fountain?' Marino then asked. 'Possible Benny might have found it?'
'Why would he be in Cherry Hill at that hour? Remember what the weather was like,' Commander Penn said.
A door opened and several attendants wheeled in a gurney carrying Davila's body.
'I don't know why,' Maier said. 'Did she have her knapsack with her at the museum?' he asked Commander Penn.
1 believe it was mentioned that she had some sort of bag slung over one shoulder.'
'That could have been the knapsack.'
'It could have.'
'Does Benny sell drugs?' I asked.
'After a while you gotta sell if you're gonna buy,' Maier said.
'There may be a connection between Davila and the murdered woman,' I said.
Commander Penn watched me with interest.
'We shouldn't discount that possibility,' I went on. 'At a glance, it seems unlikely. But Gault and Davila were both down in that tunnel at the same time. Why?'
'Luck of the draw.' Maier stared off.
Marino didn't comment. His attention had drifted to autopsy table five, where two medical examiners were photographing the slain officer from different angles. An attendant with a wet towel scrubbed blood off the face in a manner that would have been rough could Davila feel. Marino was unaware anyone was watching him, and for a moment his vulnerability showed. |