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Холлингера, 3, Личфилд-стрит, Сохи, Лондон; что рукопись названной листовки была написана почерком г-на Карла Блинда; что я видел, как г-н Ф. Холлингер дал г-ну Вильгельму Либкнехту, 14, Черч-стрит, Сохо, Лондон, корректурный лист листовки «Предостережение»; что сначала г-н Ф. Холлингер колебался, отдать ли корректурный лист г-ну В. Либкнехту и что, когда г-н В. Либкнехт ушел, он, г-н Ф. Холлингер, выразил мне и моему товарищу, рабочему П. Ф. Вие, свое сожаление, что он выпустил из своих рук корректурный лист.

Заявлено в полицейском суде на Боу-стрит, в графстве Мидлсекс, 11 февраля 1860 г. передо мной, полицейским судьей столицы Т. Генри.

А. Фёгеле

М. П.




One of the first days of November last — I do not recollect the exact date — in the evening between nine and ten o'clock I was taken out of bed by Mr. F. Hollinger, in whose house I then lived, and by whom I was employed as compositor. He presented to me a paper to the effect, that, during the preceding eleven months I had been continously employed by him, and that during all that time a certain German flysheet «Zur Warnung» (A Warning) had not been composed and printed in Mr. Hollinger's Office, 3, Litchfield Street, Soho. In my perplexed state, and not aware of the importance of the transaction, I complied with his wish, and copied, and signed the document. Mr. Hollinger promised me money, but I never received anything. During that transaction Mr. Charles Blind, as my wife informed me at the time, was waiting in Mr. Hollinger's room. A few days later, Mrs. Hollinger called me down from dinner and led me into her husband's room, where I found Mr. Charles Blind alone. He presented me the same paper which Mr. Hollinger had presented me before, and entreated me to write, and sign a second copy, as he wanted two, the one for himself, and the other for publication in the Press. He added that he would show himself grateful to me. I copied and signed again the paper.

I herewith declare the truth of the above statements and that:

1) During the 11 months mentioned in the document I was for six weeks not employed by Mr. Hollinger, but by a Mr. Ermani. 2) I did not work in Mr. Hollinger's Office just at that time when the flysheefc: «Zur Warnung» (A Warning) was published. 3) I heard at the time from Mr. Voegele, who then worked for Mr. Hollinger, that he, Voegele, had, together with Mr. Hollinger himself, composed the flysheet in question, and that the manuscript was in Mr. Blind's handwriting. 4) The types of the pamphlet were still standing when I returned to Mr. Hollinger's service. I myself broke them into columns for the reprint of the flysheet (or pamphlet) «Zur Warnung» (A Warning) in the German paper «Das Volk» published at London, by Mr. Fidelio Hollinger, 3, Litchfield Street, Soho. The flysheet appeared in No. 7, d. d. 18th June, 1859, of «Das Volk» (The People). 5) I saw Mr. Hollinger give to Mr. William Liebknecht, of 14, Church Street, Soho, London, the proofsheet of the pamphlet «Zur Warnung», on which proofsheeb Mr. Charles Blind with his own hand corrected four or five mistakes. Mr. Hollinger hesitated at first giving the proofsheetto Mr. Liebknecht, and when Mr. Liebknecht had withdrawn, he, F. Hollinger, expressed to me and my fellow workman Voegele his regret for having given the proofsheet out of his hands.

Declared and signed by the said Johann Friedrich Wiehe at the Police Court, Bow Street, this 8th day of February, 1860, before me Th. Henry, Magistrate of the said court.

Johann Friedrich Wiehe

L. S.




Временное правительство. Французская республика. Свобода, Равенство и Братство.

От имени французского народа

Париж, 1 марта 1848 г.

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