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I witnessed the death of two of my childhood best friends. One at age 6, and the other at age 12. Both of them were struck and killed by a car.

4. There was death of my first wife, and mother of my 2 children, at age 38 from Cancer,

5. I lost many close friends during 2 wars that I also served in, and so I saw many horrific things,

6. Then, after serving 3 years in Afghanistan, I had developed PTSD; Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Which I had for over 10 years.

There are 5 main types of PTSD, and I had tested positive in all 5 types. Did this mean that I was crazy or emotionally unstable - not at all. However, it did leave me with a few disorders. My main symptoms were:

1. Nightmares - reliving for years the horrors of war;

2. Feelings of guilt and shame - having survived when many friends did not;

3. Trouble falling to sleep or staying asleep;

4. Easily irritated during stressful situations;

5. And, a feeling of apathy about life in general.

Then I was introduced to Super Jump! Now my spark for life has returned, I am happy, and confident, and free to live again! How did Super Jump accomplish this? It was through the practice of the 8 pearl exercises. I performed these exercises with an open mind and heart, certain that these would help me. So, I placed my trust and faith in the process and committed myself to completely engage in them. Very soon, within a matter of days, my faith became sight, and my trust became belief. I could feel all these bad feelings peeling away like layers of dead skin. Not only did it reveal the me that I once, but it developed an even better version of the old me.

Each exercise benefited me in its own unique way.

The 200 Smiles exercise - simple yet most effective. I am the generator of my own happiness. If I want to be happy, I tell my face to smile, my brain senses the smile, generates the associated chemical responses, and I begin to feel happy.

Be healthy exercise - great exercise for tapping into the power of the universe. With a sincere heart I project out to the universe that I wish for everyone health and happiness, and the universe in turn gives the same back to me.

The exercises that focus on controlling my thoughts & feelings, and protecting myself from negative thoughts and poisonous information are also extremely powerful. They teach me to control what comes in and what goes out. And that the only true thing I can control in this world are my thoughts, words, and actions, and nobody else, and most importantly I can choose not to be controlled by others. These exercises give me the tools to know how to better respond to external situations and people, and flow through in a positive manner and not to negatively react. Posture of a King - If our posture is a reflection of our state of mind, then we can learn to control our state of mind by changing our posture. Doing this always fills me with pride and confidence within seconds of correcting my posture. And people that I come in contact with respond to this in very positive ways.

Audio training - Super powerful exercise! This tool alone can change the course of your life. By recording that which you want to become or what your desired future looks like, you can attain it. One learns to tap into a very powerful universal law; the Law of Attraction.

The Super Goal exercise is amazing - because Super Jump has been a life-changing experience for me, and has freed my spirit to live again, my super goal is to help free the spirits of hundreds of thousands of unhappy people so that they too can live happier and more gratifying lives now, and manifest the future that they desire.

Перевод на русский язык:

Меня зовут Пол Рэмси, мне 59 лет, и я живу в Лос-Анджелесе, штат Калифорния, США. И я хотел бы рассказать вам, как Super Jump полностью изменил мою жизнь. Тем не менее, для того, чтобы вы по-настоящему оценили это, я думаю, что важно рассказать вам кое-что о моем жизненном опыте до Super Jump.

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