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Jordan. Age Changes in Deceiving and Detecting Deceit, в Robert S. Feldman, Development of Nonverbal Behavior in Children (New York: Springer Veriag, 1982), p. 151-80.192 Notes.

17 P. Ekman. Telling Lies (New York: W. W. Norton, 1985); P. Ekman и M. O'Sullivan. Hazards in Detecting Deceit, в D. Raskin, ed., Psychological Methods for Investigation and Evidence (New York: Springer, in press); P. Ekman. Why Lies Fail and What Behaviors Betray a Lie, в J. C. Yuille, ed., Credibility Assessment-A Unified Theoretical and Research Perspective (Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers, в прессе); P. Ekman, W. V. Friesen и M. O'Sullivan. Smiles when Lying, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 54 (1988): 414-20; P. Ekman и W. V. Friesen. Felt, False and Miserable Smiles, Journal of Nonverbal Behavior 6 (1982): 238-52; P. Ekman и W. V. Friesen. Detecting Deception from Body or Face, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 29 (1974): 288-98; P. Ekman и W. V. Friesen. Nonverbal Leakage and Clues to Deception, Psychiatry 32 (1969): 88-105.

18  R. S. Feldman, L. Jenkins и О. Popoola. Detection of Deception in Adults and Children via Facial Expressions, Child Development 50 (1979): 350-55 (цитата, c. 351).

19 Nancy Lee Morency и Robert M. Krauss. Children's Nonverbal Encoding and Decoding of Affect, в Feldman, Development of Nonverbal Behavior in Children, p. 181-200.

20 William A. Shennum и Daphne B. Bugental. The Development of Control over, Affective Expression, там же, с. 101-21.

21  Цитата из исследования Vasek.

22  Для обсуждения роли игр в развитии навыков, необходимых для обмана, см.: Н. Sacks. Everyone Has to Lie, в M. Sanches и В. G. Blount, Sociocultural Dimensions of Language Use (New York: Academic Press, 1975), p. 57-79.

23  J. G. de Villiers и P. A. de Villiers. Language Acquisition (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1977); M. Shatz и R. Gelman. The Development of Communication Skills: Modification in the Speech of Young Children as a Function of the Listener, Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development 38 (1973): 1-38; см. суждение, предлагаемое Васеком.

24  P. Ekman, G. Roper и J. C. Hager. Deliberate Facial Movement, Child Development 51 (1980): 886-91. Notes 193.

25 Michael F. Hoyt. Secrets in Psychotherapy: Theoretical and Practical Considerations, International Review of Psychoanalysis 5, vol. 2 (1978): 223-41.

26  Там же.

27  £. Turiel. The Development of Social Concepts, в D. DePalma и J. Foley, eds. Moral Development (Hillsdale, NJ.: Lawrence Erlbaum, 1975). Цитируется no Damon.

28  Выражаю мою признательность Robert Coles, который в своей увлекательной книге The Moral Life of Children (New York: Atlantic Monthly Press, 1986) напомнил мне об этом высказывании Анны Фрейд из ее книги The Ego and the Mechanisms of Defense (New York: International University Press, 1936).

29  Краткое изложение см.: L. Kohlberg. Moral Stages and Moralization: The Cognitive-Developmental Approach, в Lickona, Moral Development and Behavior, p. 31-53.

30  См. ссылку 15 выше.

31 Turiel. The Development of Social Concepts, p. 155.

32  Cm.: J. R. Rest. Morality, в: P. H. Mussen, The Handbook of Child Psychology, 4th ed. (New York: Wiley, 1983), vol. 3, p. 556-629, для критического анализа. Если вас заинтересует увлекательный анализ детских социальных суждений, проведенный с другой точки зрения, см.: William Damon, The Social World of the Child (San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1977).

33 A. Blasi. Bridging Moral Cognition and Oral Action: A Critical Review of the Literature, Psychological Bulletin 88 (1980): 1-45.

34 Carl I. Malinowski и Charles P. Smith. Moral Reasoning and Moral Conduct: An Investigation Prompted by Kohlberg's Theory, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 49 (1985): 1016-27.

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