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17  In re Sara, 239 Cal. Rptr. 605.

18  In the Matter of Cheryl H., 153 Cal. App. 3d 1098,200 Cal. Rptr. 789.

19 David Faust и Jay Ziskin. The Expert Witness in Psychology and Psychiatry, Science 241 Guly 1,1988): 312.

20  Incidence of Child Abuse in California, California Department of Justice Child Abuse Central Registry, Bureau of Criminal Statistics and Special Services, 1985, p. 1-3.

21 Douglass J. Besharov. Contending with Overblown Expectations, Public Welfare 45 (Winter 1987): 7-11.

22  Там же, с. 10.

25  Обсуждение психологических исследований в этой области см.: Ceci, Toglia и Ross, eds. Children's Eyewitness Memory; см. также: The Child as Witness, journal of Social Sciences 40, Ns 2 (1984).

24 Maria Zagora. Memory, Suggestibility, and Eyewitness Testimony in Children and Adults, в Ceci, Toglia и Ross, eds., Children's Eyewitness Memory, p. 65.

25 Carole Cole и Elizabeth Loftus. The Memory of Children, там же, с. 195,199.

26 Ceci, Ross и Toglia. Age Differences in Suggestibility, там же, с. 82.

27 В. Boat и М. Everson, доклад представлен на заседании Общества исследований развития детей (Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting), 1987.

28  M. King и ]. Yuille. Suggestibility and the Child Witness, в: Ceci, Toglia and Ross, Children's Eyewitness Memory, p. 25.

29  D. Whitcomb, E. Shapiro и L. Stellwagen. When the Victim Is a Child: Issues for Judges and Prosecutors, U. S. Department of Justice, National Institute of Justice, 1981, p. 69-73.

30  Coy v. Iowa, 108 S. Ct. 2798.

31  Там же.

32  New York Times, 20 July 1988.

33  Gary B. Melton. Procedural Reforms to Protect Victim/Witnesses in Sex Offense Proceedings, Victimology: An Int’l. Journal 5 (1980).

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