He stalled again. I could feel his strong resistance. Many people who worked in the building could not deal with the morgue. They did not want to come near it, and I had yet to employ a security guard who would so much as poke his head inside the refrigerator. Many guards and most cleaning-crews did not work for me long.
While I waited for this fearless guard named Evans, I unzipped the black pouch, which looked new. The victim's head was covered by a black plastic garbage bag that had been tied around the neck with a shoelace. He was clothed in blood-soaked pajamas and wore a thick gold bracelet and Rolex watch. Peeking out of the breast pocket of his pajama top was what appeared to be a pink envelope. I took a step back, getting weak in the knees.
I ran to the doors, slammed them shut and turned dead bolt locks as I fumbled inside my pocketbook for my revolver. Lipsticks and hairbrush clattered to the floor. I thought of the locker room, of places one could hide as I dialed the telephone, my hands trembling. Depending on how warmly he was dressed, he could hide inside the refrigerator, I frantically thought as I envisioned the many gurneys and black body bags on top of them. I hurried to the great steel door and snapped the padlock on the handle while I waited for Marino to return my page.
The phone rang in five minutes just as Evans began tentatively knocking on the locked autopsy suite doors.
'Hold on,' I called out to him. 'Stay right there.' I picked up the phone.
'Yo,' Marino said over the line.
'Get here right now,' I said, fighting to hold my voice steady as I tightly gripped the gun.
'What is it?' He got alarmed.
'Hurry!' I said.
I hung up and dialed 911. Then I spoke through the door to Evans.
'The police are coming,' I said loudly.
'The police?' His voice went up.
'We've got a terrible problem in here.' My heart would not slow down. 'You go on upstairs and wait in the conference room, is that clear?'
'Yes, ma'am. I'm on my way there now.'
A Formica counter ran half the length of the wall and I climbed on top of it, positioning myself in such a way that I was sitting near the telephone and could see every door. I held the Smith amp; Wesson.38 and wished I had my Browning or Marino's Benelli shotgun. I watched the black pouch on the gurney as if it might move.
The telephone rang and I jumped. I grabbed the receiver.
'Morgue.' My voice trembled.
'Hello?' I asked more strongly.
No one spoke.
I hung up and got off the counter as anger began pumping through me and quickly turned to rage. It dispelled my fear like sun burning off mist. I unlocked the double doors leading into the corridor and stepped inside the morgue office again. Above the telephone were four strips of Scotch tape and corners of torn paper left when someone had ripped the in-house telephone list off the wall. On that list was the morgue's number and my direct line upstairs.
'Dammit!' I exclaimed under my breath. 'Dammit, dammit, dammit!'
The buzzer sounded in the bay as I wondered what else had been tampered with or taken. I thought about my office upstairs as I went out and pushed a button on the wall. The great door screeched open. Marino, in uniform, stood on its other side with two patrolmen and a detective. They ran past me to the autopsy suite, holsters unsnapped. I followed them and set my revolver on the counter because I did not think I would need it now.
'What the hell's going on?' Marino asked as he looked blankly at the body in its unzipped pouch.
The other officers looked on, not seeing anything wrong. Then they looked at me and the revolver I had just set down.
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