He had a haggard look (он имел изможденный вид) when he arrived in Vienna (когда прибыл в Вену) and a habit of looking over his shoulder (и привычку смотреть: «смотрения» через его плечо) that for a time made me suspicious of him (которая на время сделала меня подозрительным к нему = показалась мне в нем подозрительной) until I realised (пока я не сообразил) that he went in fear (что он жил в страхе: «шел в страхе») that one of say six people (что один из, скажем, шести людей) might turn up unexpectedly (мог бы объявиться неожиданно). He told me vaguely (он сказал мне туманно; to tell — рассказать) that he had been mixing his drinks (что он /раньше/ смешивал свои напитки)—that was another way of putting it (это был ещё один способ выразить это).
Rollo Martins' usual line (Ролло Мартинса обычное занятие: «линия») was the writing of cheap, paper covered Westerns (было написание дешевых, /продающихся/ в /мягкой/ обложке вестернов; paper — бумага; to cover — покрывать) under the name of Buck Dexter (под именем Бака Декстера). His public was large but unremunerative (его аудитория была большая, но неденежная; unremunerative — неприбыльный; remunerative — вознаграждающий; выгодный, прибыльный; to remunerate — вознаграждать, компенсировать, оплачивать). He couldn't have afforded Vienna (он не cмог бы позволить себе Вену) if Lime had not offered to pay his expenses (если Лайм не предложил бы оплатить его расходы) when he got there (когда он попадет туда; to get — получать; попадать, добираться) out of some vaguely described propaganda fund (из какого-то туманно описанного пропагандистского фонда). He could also (он мог также), he said (как он сказал), keep him supplied with paper Bafs (постоянно снабжать его бумажными Бафами: «держать его снабженным с бумажными Бафами»)—the only currency in use from a penny upwards (единственной валютой в употреблении от пенни и выше) in British hotels and clubs (в британских отелях и клубах). So it was with exactly five unusable pound notes that Martins arrived in Vienna (так что Мартинс прибыл в Вену как раз: «точно» с пятью неупотребимыми фунтовыми банкнотами = которые невозможно было потратить).
subject ['sAbGIkt], content /прилаг./ [kqn'tent], receive [rI'si:v], invitation ["InvI'teIS(q)n], occupied ['OkjupaId], territory ['terIt(q)rI], refugee ["refju'Gi:], incident ['InsId(q)nt], dismiss [dIs'mIs], insurance [In'Suqr(q)ns], haggard ['hxgqd], suspicious [sqs'pISqs], vaguely ['veIglI], usual ['ju:Zuql], cover ['kAvq], remunerative [rI'mju:n(q)rqtIv], afford [q'fO:d], currency ['kAr(q)nsI]
A BRITISH subject can still travel if he is content to take with him only five English pounds which he is forbidden to spend abroad, but if Rollo Martins had not received an invitation from Lime he would not have been allowed to enter Austria which counts still as occupied territory. Lime had suggested that Martins might "write up" the business of looking after the international refugees, and although it wasn't Martins' usual line, he had consented. It would give him a holiday and he badly needed a holiday after the incident in Dublin and the other incident in Amsterdam; he always tried to dismiss women as "incidents," things that simply happened to him without any will of his own, acts of God in the eyes of insurance agents. He had a haggard look when he arrived in Vienna and a habit of looking over his shoulder that for a time made me suspicious of him until I realised that he went in fear that one of say six people might turn up unexpectedly. He told me vaguely that he had been mixing his drinks—that was another way of putting it.
Rollo Martins' usual line was the writing of cheap, paper covered Westerns under the name of Buck Dexter. |