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  "If God made anything better he  kept it  for himself,"
the  Sailor  used  to say,  his transmission  slowed down
with twenty goof balls.
  (Pieces  of  murder  fall  slow  as opal  chips through
glycerine. )
  Watching  you  and  humming  over  and  over  "Johnny's
So Long At The Fair."
  Pushing in a small way to keep up our habit..
  "And use that alcohol,"  I say  slamming a  spirit lamp
down on the table.
  "You fucking can't -- wait -- hungry junkies all the time
black  up  my  spoons  with  matches....  That's   all  I
need for pen  Indef. the  heat rumbles  a black  spoon in
the trap....
  "I thought you was quitting....   Wouldn't feel right
fucking up your cure.
  "Takes a lot of guts to kick a habit, kid."
  Looking for veins in the thawing flesh. Hour-Glass of
junk spills its last black grains into the kidneys....
  "Heavily infected area," he muttered, shifting the tie
  "Death was their Culture Hero," said my Old Lady
looking up from the Mayan Codices.... "They got
fire and speech and the corn seed from death.... Death
turns into a maize seed."
  The Ouab Days are upon us
    raw pealed winds of hate and mischance
      blew the shot.
  "Get those fucking dirty pictures out of here," I told
her. The Old Time Schmecker supported himself on a
chair back, juiced and goof-balled... a disgrace to
his blood.
  "What are you one of these goof-ball artists?"
  Yellow smells of skid row sherry and occluding liver
drifted out of his clothes when he made the junky ges-
ture throwing the hand out palm up to cope...
    smell of chili houses and dank overcoats and atro-
    phied testicles....
  He looked at me through the tentative, ectoplasmic
flesh of cure... thirty pounds materialized in a month
when you kick... soft pink putty that fades at the
first silent touch of junk.... I saw it happen... ten
pounds lost in ten minutes... standing there with
the syringe in one hand... holding his pants up with
the other
    sharp reek of diseased metal.
  Walking in a rubbish heap to the sky... scattered
gasoline fires... smoke hangs black and solid as excre-
ment in the motionless air... smudging the white
film of noon heat... D.L. walks beside me... a
reflection of my toothless gums and hairless skull .
flesh smeared over the rotting phosphorescent bones
consumed by slow cold fires... He carries an open
can of gasoline and the smell of gasoline envelopes him.
       .Coming over a hill of rusty iron we meet a group
of Natives... Hat two-dimension faces of scavenger
  "Throw the gasoline on them and light it....


       white Hash... mangled insect screams .
  I woke up with the taste of metal in my mouth back
from the dead
       trailing the colorless death smell
       afterbirth of a withered grey monkey
       phantom twinges of amputation...
  "Taxi boys waiting for a pickup," Eduardo said and
died of an overdose in Madrid.
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