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  "Come and jack off..." 1929.
  "Gimpy push milk sugar shit...         " Johnny Hung
Lately 1952
  (Decayed   corseted  tenor   sings  Danny   Deever  in
drag.... )
  Mules don't foal in this decent  county and  on hooded
dead gibber in the ash pits.... Violation  Public Health
Law 334.
  So  where  is  the  statuary  and the  percentage? Who
can  say?  I  don't  have  The   Word....  Home   in  my
douche  bag...  The King  is loose  with a  flame thrower
and the  king killer,  tortured in  effigy of  a thousand
bums, slides down skid row to shit in the limestone ball
  Young Dillinger walked straight out  of the  house and
never looked back....
  "Don't  ever  look  back, kid....  You turn  into some
old cow's salt lick."
  Police bullet in the alley... Broken wings  of Icarus,
screams of  a burning  boy inhaled  by the  old junky...
eyes empty as a  vast plain...  ( vulture wings  husk in
the dry air).
  The  Crab,  aged  Dean  Of Lush  Workers, puts  on his
crustacean  suit  to prowl  the graveyard  shift... with
steel claws pulls the gold teeth and  crowns of  any Hop
sleep  with  his  mouth  open....  If  the Hop  comes up
on  him  The  Crab  rears  back  claws snapping  to offer
dubious battle on the plains of Queens.
    The Boy Burglar, fucked in the long jail term, ousted
from  the  cemetery  for  the non-payment,  comes gibber-
ing into the queer bar with a moldy  pawn ticket  to pick
up the back balls  of Tent  City where  castrate salesmen
sing the IBM song.
    Crabs frolicked through his forest...  wrestling with
the angel hard-on all night, thrown in  the homo  fall of
valor, take a back road to the rusty limestone cave.
    Black  Yen  ejaculates  over  the salt  marshes where
nothing grows not even a mandrake....
    Law  of  averages...  A  few  chickens...   Only  way
to live....
    "Hello, Cash."
    "You sure it's here?"
    "Of course I'm sure.... Go in with you."
    Night train to Chi... Meet a girl in  the hall  and I
see she is on and ask where is a score?
    "Come in sonny."
  I mean not a young chick but built...       "How about
a fix first?"
    "Ixnay, You wouldn't be inna condition."
    Three  times  around...  wake  up  shivering  sick in
warm  Spring  wind  through   the  window,   water  burns
the eyes like acid....
    She  gets  out of  bed naked....  Stach in  the Cobra
lamp.... Cooks up....
    "Turn over.... I'll give it to you in the ass."
    She slides the needle in deep, pulls it out  and mas-
sages the cheek.
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