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  Violation   Public   Health   Law  334...   Procuring  an
orgasm by the use of fraud....
  Johnny  on  all  fours  and  Mary  sucking  him  and run-
ning  her  fingers  down  the  thigh  backs  and  light over
the outfields of the ball park....
  Over  the  broken  chair and  out through  the tool-house
window  whitewash  whipping  in  a  cold  Spring   wind  on
a  limestone  cliff over  the river...  piece of  moon smoke
hangs in China blue  sky... out  on a  long line  of jissom
across the dusty floor....

    Motel... Motel .            Motel .     broken neon
arabesque...  loneliness   moans  across   the  continent
like fog horns over still oily water of tidal rivers....
  Ball squeezed  dry lemon  rind pest  rims the  ass with
a  knife  cut  off  a piece  of hash  for the  water pipe-
bubble bubble -- indicate what used to be me..
  "The river is served, sir."
  Dead leaves fill  the fountain  and geraniums  run wild
with  mint,  spill  a  vending  machine route  across the
  The  aging  playboy  dons  his 1920  autograph slicker,
feeds  his  screaming  wife  down   the  garbage-disposal
unit....  Hair,  shit  and  blood spurt  out 1963  on the
wall.... "Yes sir, boys, the shit really  hit the  fan in
'63," said 'the tiresome  old prophet  can bore  the piss
out of you in any space-time direction....
  "Now  I  happen  to  remember because  it was  just two
year  before  that  a  strain  of human  aftosa developed
in a Bolivian lavatory  got loose  through the  medium of
a  Chinchilla  coat fixed  an income  tax case  in Kansas
City....   And  a   Liz  claimed   Immaculate  Conception
and  give  birth  to  a  six-ounce spider  monkey through
the  navel....  They say  the croaker  was party  to that
caper had the monkey on his back all the time..
  I,  William  Seward,  captain of  this lushed  up hash-
head  subway,  will  quell  the  Lock  Ness  monster with
rotenone  and  cowboy  the  white  whale.  I  will reduce
Satan  to  Automatic  Obedience,  and  sublimate subsidi-
ary fiends. I will banish the candiru from  your swimming
pools.--  I  will issue  a bull  on Immaculate  Birth Con-
  "The  oftener  a  thing   happens  the   more  uniquely
wonderful it is," said the  pretentious young  Nordic on
the trapeze studying his Masonic home work.
  "The Jews don't believe in  Christ, Clem....  All they
want to do is doodle a Christian girl...."
  Adolescent  angels  sing  on  shithouse  walls  of the
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