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... And a big
yaller dog come on the boy for affection and the boy
shove it away, and the yaller dog growl and snap at the
little toddler, snarling if he had but human gift of
tongues: "A crime against nature right there."
  So I dub the yaller dog Scrutable.... And let me
say in passing, and I am always passing like a sincere
Spade, that the Inscrutable East need a heap of salt to
get it down... Your Reporter bang thirty grains of
M a day and sit eight hours inscrutable as a turd.
  "What are you thinking?" says the squirming Ameri-
can Tourist....
  To which I reply: "Morphine have depressed my
hypothalamus, seat of libido and emotion, and since the
front brain acts only at second hand with back-brain
titillation, being a vicarious type citizen can only get
his kicks from behind, I must report virtual absence of
cerebral event. I am aware of your presence, but since
it has for me no affective connotation, my affect having
been disconnect by the junk man for the non-payment,
I am not innarested in your doings.... Go or come,
shit or fuck yourself with a rasp or an asp -- tis well done
and fitting for a queen -- but The Dead and The Junky
don't care.... " They are Inscrutable.
  "Which is the way down the aisle to the water closet?"
I asked the blonde usherette.
  "Right through here, sir.... Room for one more in-
  "Have you seen Pantopon Rose?" said the old junky
in the black overcoat.
  The Texas sheriff has killed his complicit Vet., Brow-
beck The Unsteady, involved in horse heroin racket.
  . A horse down with the aftosa need a sight of
heroin to ease his pain and maybe some of that heroin
take off across the lonesome prairie and whinny in
Washington Square.... Junkies rush up yelling:
"Heigh oOO Silver."
  "But where is the statuary?" This arch type bit of
pathos screeched out in tea-room cocktail lounge with
bamboo decorations, Calle Juarez, Mexico, DF.... Lost
back there with a meatball rape rap... a cunt claw
your pants down and you up for rape that's statutory,
  Chicago calling... come in please... Chicago
calling... come in please.... What you think I got
the rubber on for goulashes in Puyo? A mighty wet
place, reader....
  "Take it off! Take it off1"
  The  old  queen  meets himself  coming round  the other
way  in  burlesque  of  adolescence,  gets the  knee from
his  phantom  of   the  Old   Old  Howard...   down  skid
row  to  Market  Street  Museum  shows all  kinds mastur-
bation and self-abuse... young boys need it special....
  They was  ripe for  the plucking  forgot way  back yon-
der in the corn hole... lost in little scraps  of delight
and burning scrolls....
  Read the metastasis with blind fingers.
  Fossil message of arthritis...
  "Selling  is more  of a  habit than  using." --  Lola La
Chata, Mexico, DF.

  Sucking  terror  from  needle scars,  underwater scream
mouthing  numb  nerve  warnings  of  the  yen   to  come,
throbbing bite site of rabies...
  "If God made anything better he  kept it  for himself,"
the  Sailor  used  to say,  his transmission  slowed down
with twenty goof balls.
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