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  Expeditions  leave  for  unknown  places   with  unknown
purposes. Strangers arrive on rafts of old  packing crates
tied together  with rotten  rope, they  stagger in  out of
the  jungle  their  eyes swollen  shut from  insect bites,
they  come  down  the  mountain  trails on  cracked bleed-
ing feet through the  dusty windy  outskirts of  the city,
where  people  defecate   in  rows   along  adobe   walls  and
vultures   fight  over   fish  heads.   They  drop   down  into
parks  in   patched  parachutes,...   They  are   escorted  by
a  drunken  cop  to register  in a  vast public  lavatory. The
data  taken  down  is  put  on  pegs  to  be  used  as  toilet
  Cooking  smells  of  all  countries  hang  over   the  City,
a  haze  of  opium,  hashish,  the   resinous  red   smoke  of
Yage,  smell  of  the jungle  and salt  water and  the rotting
river and dried excrement and sweat and genitals.
  High   mountain   flutes,   jazz  and   bebop,  one-stringed
Mongol   instruments,   gypsy   xylophones,   African   drums,
Arab bagpipes...
  The  City  is  visited  by  epidemics  of violence,  and the
untended  dead  are   eaten  by   vultures  in   the  streets.
Albinos  blink  in  the  sun.  Boys  sit  in  trees, languidly
masturbate.   People   eaten   by   unknown   diseases   watch
the passerby with evil, knowing eyes.
  In  the  City  Market  is  the Meet  Cafe. Followers  of ob-
solete,  unthinkable  trades  doodling  in  Etruscan,  addicts
of  drugs  not  yet  synthesized,  pushers  of  souped-up Har-
maline,  junk  reduced  to  pure  habit   offering  precarious
vegetable  serenity,  liquids   to  induce   Latah,  Tithonian
longevity  serums,   black  marketeers   of  World   War  III,
excisors of telepathic sensitivity, osteopaths of  the spirit,
investigators   of  infractions   denounced  by   bland  para-
noid   chess   players,   servers   of   fragmentary  warrants
taken   down   in    hebephrenic   shorthand    charging   un-
speakable  mutilations  of  the  spirit, bureaucrats  of spec-
tral  departments,  officials  of unconstituted  police states,
a   Lesbian   dwarf   who   has   perfected   operation  Bang-
utot,  the  lung  erection  that  strangles a  sleeping enemy,
sellers  of  orgone tanks  and relaxing  machines, brokers
of  exquisite  dreams  and memories  tested on  the sensi-
tized cells of junk  sickness and  bartered for  raw mate-
rials of  the will,  doctors skilled  in the  treatment of
diseases  dormant  in  the  black  dust of  ruined cities,
gathering virulence in  the white  blood of  eyeless worms
feeling slowly to the  surface and  the human  host, mala-
dies  of  the  ocean floor  and the  stratosphere, maladies
of the  laboratory and  atomic war.
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