And then as his watch hand passed the hour (и затем когда, стрелка его часов прошла час), he wondered (он засомневался): was it all an invention of my mind (было ли это все изобретением моего ума)? are they digging up Harry's body now in the Central Cemetery (или они выкапывают труп Гарри сейчас на Центральном кладбище)?
Somewhere behind the cake stall (где-то за ларьком с кексами) a man was whistling and Martins knew the tune (засвистел человек, и Мартинс узнал эту мелодию). He turned and waited (он повернулся и ждал). Was it fear or excitement that made his heart beat (был это страх или было возбуждение, что заставляло его сердце биться)—or just the memories that tune ushered in (или просто воспоминания, которые привела за собой мелодия; to usher in — возвестить, объявить; usher — швейцар; консьерж; привратник; to usher — провожать, сопровождать; вводить /in/), for life had always quickened when Harry came (ибо жизнь всегда убыстрялась, когда приходил Гарри), came just as he came now (приходил именно так, как он пришел сейчас), as though nothing much had happened (как будто ничего особенного не произошло), nobody had been lowered into a grave (никто не был опущен в могилу) or found with cut throat in a basement (или найден с перерезанным горлом в подвале), came with his amused deprecating take-it-or-leave-it manner (пришел в своей веселой, насмешливой, безразличной манере; to deprecate — преуменьшать, умалять; take it or leave it = возьми это или брось это: «не нравится — не бери»)—and of course one always took it (и, конечно, человек всегда брал это /т. е. принимал Гарри, проникался симпатией к Гарри/).
threw [Tru:], expect [Ik'spekt], celluloid ['seljqlOId], consort /глагол/ [kqn'sO:t], correct [kq'rekt], diagnosis ["daIqg'nqusIs], enclosure [In'klquZq], queue ['kju:], coupon ['ku:pOn], patience ['peISqns], squad ['skwOd], usher ['ASq], amused [q'mju:zd], deprecate ['deprqkeIt]
"I want to talk to him."
"Are you mad?"
I'm in a hurry, so let's assume that I am. Just make a note of my madness. If you should see Harry—or his ghost—let him know that I want to talk to him. A ghost isn't afraid of a man, is it? Surely it's the other way round. I'll be waiting in the Prater by the Big Wheel for the next two hours—if you can get in touch with the dead, hurry." He added, "Remember, I was Harry's friend."
Kurtz said nothing, but somewhere, in a room off the hall, somebody cleared his throat. Martins threw open a door: he had half expected to see the dead rise yet again, but it was only Dr. Winkler who rose from a kitchen chair, in front of the kitchen stove, and bowed very stiffly and correctly with the same celluloid squeak.
"Dr. Winkle," Martins said. Dr. Winkler looked extraordinarily out of place in a kitchen. The debris of a snack lunch littered the kitchen table, and the unwashed dishes consorted very ill with Dr. Winkler's cleanness.
'Winkler," the doctor corrected him with stony patience.
Martins said to Kurtz: "Tell the doctor about my madness. He might be able to make a diagnosis. And remember the place—by the Great Wheel. Or do ghosts only rise by night?" He left the flat.
For an hour he waited, walking up and down to keep warm, inside the enclosure of the Great Wheel: the smashed Prater with its bones sticking crudely through the snow was nearly empty. One stall sold thin flat cakes like cartwheels, and the children queued with their coupons. A few courting couples would be packed together in a single car of the Wheel and revolve slowly above the city surrounded by empty cars. As the car reached the highest point of the Wheel, the revolutions would stop for a couple of minutes and far overhead the tiny faces would press against the glass. |