Mrs. Harris' fingers were trembling so (пальцы миссис Харрис дрожали так) that she could hardly read it at first (что она едва могла прочесть ее сначала), but at last its contents became clear (но затем ее содержание прояснилось).
couch [q'seIl], fearful ['fIqful], scrawl [skrO:l]
The Dior dress had been tossed carelessly upon the disordered couch with the burned-out velvet panel where the fire had eaten into it showing shockingly in a fearful gap of melted beadwork, burned and singed cloth.
Beside it lay a pound and a hastily scrawled note. Mrs. Harris' fingers were trembling so that she could hardly read it at first, but at last its contents became clear.
"Dear Mrs. Harris (дорогая миссис Харрис), I am terribly sorry (мне ужасно жаль) I could not stay to explain in person (что я не могла остаться, /чтобы/ объяснить лично), but I have to go away for a little while (но я должна уехать на некоторое время). I am most awfully sorry about what happened to the dress (я крайне сожалею о том, что случилось с платьем), but it wasn't my fault (но это не было моей виной), and if Mr. Korngold had not been so quick (и если бы мистер Корнголд не был бы столь быстр) I might have burned to death (я, наверное, сгорела бы насмерть). He said I had a very narrow escape (он сказал, что я едва спаслась: «я имела очень узкое спасение»). After dinner we went to the 30 Club (после обеда мы пошли в клуб «30»), where I stopped to comb my hair in front of a mirror (где я остановилась причесать волосы перед зеркалом), and there was an electric heater right underneath (но там был электрический обогреватель прямо внизу), and all of a sudden I was burning (и внезапно я загорелась: «была горящей») — I mean the dress (я имею в виду платье), and I could have burned to death (и я могла сгореть насмерть). I am sure they will be able to repair it (я уверена, они смогут его починить/восстановить) and your insurance will take care of the damage (и ваша страховка покроет ущерб: «позаботится об ущербе = о возмещении ущерба»), which is not as bad as it looks (который не так уж и велик, как может показаться) as it is only the one panel (так как это только один клин). I am going away for the week (я уезжаю на неделю). Please look after the flat as usual (пожалуйста, присматривайте за квартирой, как обычно). I am leaving a pound for your wages in the meantime (я оставляю фунт жалования за этот промежуток времени)."
awfully ['O:fulI], comb [kqum], mirror ['mIrq]
"Dear Mrs. Harris, I am terribly sorry I could not stay to explain in person, but I have to go away for a little while. I am most awfully sorry about what happened to the dress, but it wasn't my fault, and if Mr. Korngold had not been so quick I might have burned to death. He said I had a very narrow escape. After dinner we went to the 30 Club, where I stopped to comb my hair in front of a mirror, and there was an electric heater right underneath, and all of a sudden I was burning — I mean the dress, and I could have burned to death. I am sure they will be able to repair it and your insurance will take care of the damage, which is not as bad as it looks as it is only the one panel. I am going away for the week. Please look after the flat as usual. I am leaving a pound for your wages in the meantime."
It was astonishing (было удивительно) that when Mrs. Harris had finished reading the letter she did not cry out (что, когда миссис Харрис закончила чтение письма, она не разрыдалась), or even murmur (или хотя бы /что-то/ прошептала = издала хоть какой-нибудь звук), or say anything at all (или сказала что-нибудь вообще). Instead (вместо этого) she took up the damaged garment and, folding it carefully (она взяла испорченное платье и, складывая его с осторожностью), packed it once more into the old plastic suitcase (упаковала его снова в старый пластмассовый чемодан) Mme. |