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мешок: pouches under the eyes — мешки под глазами) which were, however, of a penetrating blue and astonishingly alert and young-looking (которые были, однако, пронзительно голубого цвета и удивительно живыми и молодыми: «молодо выглядящими»; alert — тревога, сигнал тревоги; бдительный, внимательный; живой, проворный). His hair was combed down over his brow (его волосы были зачесаны на лоб) in a sort of fringe (вроде челки); his boots were magnificently polished (его ботинки были великолепно отполированы); his vest was edged with white (его жилет был окантован белым), and in the lapel of his dark jacket (и на лацкане его темного жакета) was fastened what seemed to Mrs. Harris to be a small rosebud (было прикреплено /то/, что, как показалось миссис Харрис, было маленьким бутоном розы) which both fascinated and startled her (который не только очаровал, но и поразил ее), since she had never seen a gentleman wearing such before (потому что она никогда не видела, чтобы джентльмен носил такое прежде), and so she was caught by him staring at it (и так она была поймана им /так он заметил, что она его разглядывает/ — уставившейся на него /бутон/).


fierce [fIqs], mustache [mqs'tQ:S], lapel [lq'pel]


The seat to Mrs. Harris' right was occupied by a fierce-looking old gentleman with snow-white hair and mustaches, tufted eyebrows that stood out like feathers from his face and dark pouches under his eyes which were, however, of a penetrating blue and astonishingly alert and young-looking. His hair was combed down over his brow in a sort of fringe; his boots were magnificently polished; his vest was edged with white, and in the lapel of his dark jacket was fastened what seemed to Mrs. Harris to be a small rosebud which both fascinated and startled her, since she had never seen a gentleman wearing such before, and so she was caught by him staring at it.


The thin beak nose aimed itself at her (тонкий клювовидный нос нацелился на нее; beak — клюв); the keen blue eyes scrutinized her (проницательные голубые глаза /пристально/ рассматривали ее), but the voice that addressed her in perfect English (но голос, который обратился к ней на безупречном английском) was sere and tired (был сухим и уставшим; sere — засохший, сухой, увядший). "Is there something wrong, madame (что-нибудь не так, мадам)?"

It was not in the nature of Mrs. Harris (миссис Харрис было несвойственно) to be abashed or put out of countenance by anyone (быть смущенной или приведенной в замешательство: «выведенной из спокойствия» кем бы то ни было; countenance — сдержанность; хладнокровие, спокойствие), but the thought that she might have been rude (но мысль, что она, должно быть, была невежлива) stirred her to contrition (подвигла ее к раскаянию) and she favored the old gentleman with a self-deprecating smile (и она наградила пожилого джентльмена самоосуждающей улыбкой).


abash [q'bxS], countenance ['kauntInqns], rude [ru:d]


The thin beak nose aimed itself at her; the keen blue eyes scrutinized her, but the voice that addressed her in perfect English was sere and tired. "Is there something wrong, madame?"

It was not in the nature of Mrs. Harris to be abashed or put out of countenance by anyone, but the thought that she might have been rude stirred her to contrition and she favored the old gentleman with a self-deprecating smile.


"Fancy me gawking at you like you was a waxworks (кажется, я таращу на вас глаза, как будто вы восковая фигура)," she apologized (извинилась она). "Where's me manners (где мои манеры)? I thought that was a rose in yer button 'ole (я думала, это роза в вашей петлице; 'ole = hole — отверстие, дыра; button — пуговица). Jolly good idea, too (очень хорошая идея, кстати; jolly — веселый, радостный; приятный; чудный, замечательный).

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