I knew this
cop in Chicago sniff coke used to come in form of cry-
stals, blue crystals. So he go nuts and start screaming
the Federals is after him and run down this alley and
stick his head in the garbage can. And I said, 'What you
think you are doing?' and he say, 'Get away or I shoot
you. I got myself hid good.'"
We are getting some C on RX at this time. Shoot it
in the mainline, son. You can smell it going in, clean
and cold in your nose and throat then a rush of pure
pleasure right through the brain lighting up those C
connections. Your head shatters in white explosions. Ten
minutes later you want another shot... you will walk
across town for another shot. But if you can't score for
C you eat, sleep and forget about it.
This is a yen of the brain alone, a need without feel-
ing and without body, earthbound ghost need, rancid
ectoplasm swept out by an old junky coughing and spit-
ting in the sick morning.
One morning you wake up and take a speed ball, and
feel bugs under your skin. 1890 cops with black mus-
taches block the doors and lean in through the windows
snarling their lips back from blue and bold embossed
badges. Junkies march through the room singing the
Moslem Funeral Song, bear the body of Bill Gains,
stigmata of his needle wounds glow with a soft blue
flame. Purposeful schizophrenic detectives sniff at your
chamber pot.
It's the coke horrors.... Sit back and play it cool and
shoot in plenty of that GI M.
Day of the Dead: I got the chucks and ate my little
Willy's sugar skull. He cried and I had to go out for
another. Walked past the cocktail lounge where they
blasted the Jai Lai bookie.
In Cuernavaca or was it Taxco? Jane meets a pimp
trombone player and disappears in a cloud of tea smoke.
The pimp is one of these vibration and dietary artists
-- which is a means he degrades the female sex by
forcing his chicks to swallow all this shit. He was con-
tinually enlarging his theories... he would quiz a chick
and threaten to walk out if she hadn't memorized every
nuance of his latest assault on logic and the human
"Now, baby. I got it here to give. But if you won't
receive it there's just nothing I can do."
He was a ritual tea smoker and very puritanical about
junk the way some teaheads are. He claimed tea put
him in touch with supra blue gravitational fields. He
had ideas on every subject: what kind of underwear
was healthy, when to drink water, and how to wipe
your ass. |