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... So
Fag,  Beagle,  Irish,  Sailor  beware!  Look  down,  look
down along that line before you travel there...."
  The  subway  sweeps  by  with  a  black blast  of iron.


  The  Sailor  touched  the  door gently,  following pat-
terns of painted oak in a slow twist, leaving faint, iri-
descent  whorls  of slime.  His arm  went through  to the
elbow.  He  pulled back  an inside  bolt and  stood aside
for the boy to enter.
  Heavy, colorless smell of death filled the empty room.
  "The  trap  hasn't  been  aired since  the Exterminator
fumigated for coke bugs," said the Sailor apologetically.
  The boy's peeled  senses darted  about in  frenzied ex-
ploration.  Tenement  Hat,  railroad  Hat  vibrating with
silent  motion.  Along one  wall of  the kitchen  a metal
trough -- or was it metal, exactly? -- ran  into a  sort of
aquarium or tank half-filled with translucent green fluid.
Moldy  objects,  worn  out  in unknown  service, littered
the  Boor: a  jock-strap designed  to protect  some delicate
organ  of Hat,  fan-shape; multi-levelled  trusses, supports
and  bandages;  a  large  U-shaped   yoke  of   porous  pink
stone; little lead tubes cut open at one end.
  Currents  of   movement  from   the  two   bodies  stirred
stagnant  odor  pools; atrophied  boy-smell of  dusty locker
rooms,   swimming   pool   chlorine,   dried   semen.  Other
smells  curled  through  pink  convolutions,   touching  un-
known doors.
  The   Sailor   reached  under   the  wash-stand   and  ex-
tracted  a  package  in  wrapping  paper  that  shredded and
fell from his fingers in  yellow dust.  He laid  out dropper,
needle  and  spoon  on  a table  covered with  dirty dishes.
But no roach antennae felt for the crumbs of darkness.
  "The  Exterminator  does  a  good  job," said  the Sailor.
"Almost too good, sometimes."
  He  dipped  into   a  square   tin  of   yellow  pyretheum
powder  and  pulled  out  a  Hat  package  covered   in  red
and gold Chinese paper.
  "Like  a  firecracker  package,"   the  boy   thought.  At
fourteen  lost  two  fingers....  Fourth  of  July  fireworks
accident... later, in the hospital, first silent proprietary
touch of junk.
  "They go off, here,  kid." The  Sailor put  a hand  to the
back  of  his  head.  He  camped  obscenely  as   he  opened
the  package,  a  complex  arrangement  of  slots  and over-
  "Pure,  one  hundred  per  cent  H.  Scarcely  a   man  is
now alive.
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