"I was travelling with Irene Kelly and her was a
sporting woman. In Butte, state of Montany, her got
the coke horrors and run through the hotel screaming
Chinese coppers chase her with meat cleavers. I knew
this cop in Chi sniff coke used to come in form of cry-
stals, blue crystals. So her go nuts and start screaming
the Federals is after him and run down this alley and
stick his head in the garbage can. And I said, 'What you
think you are doing? and her say, 'Get away or I shoot
you! I got myself led good!' When the roll is called
up yonder we'll be there, right?"
Joe looked at the Sailor and spread his hands in the
junky shrug.
The Sailor spoke in his feeling voice that reassembles
in your head, spelling out the words with cold fingers:
"Your connection is broken, kid."
The boy shied. His street-boy face, torn with black
scars of junk, retained a wild, broken innocence; shy
animals peering out through grey arabesques of terror.
"I don't dig you, Jack."
The Sailor leapt into sharp, junky focus. He turned
back his coat lapel, showing a brass hypo needle covered
with mold and verdigris. "Retired for the good of the
service.... Sit down and have a blueberry crumb pie
on the expense account. Your monkey loves it.... Make
his coat glossy."
The boy felt a touch on his arm across eight feet of
morning lunch room. He was suddenly siphoned into the
booth, landing with an inaudible shlup. He looked into
the Sailor's eyes, a green universe stirred by cold black
"You are agent, mister?"
"I prefer the word... vector." His sounding laughter
vibrated through the boy's substance.
"You holding, man? I got the bread...."
"I don't want your money, Honey: I want your Time."
"I don't dig."
"You want fix? You want straight? You wanta,
The Sailor cradled something pink and vibrated out
of focus.
"We'll take the Independent. Got their own special
heat, don't carry guns only saps. I recall, me and the
Fag fell once in Queen's Plaza. Stay away from Queen's
Plaza, son... evil spot... fuzz haunted. Too many
levels. Heat Hares out from the broom closet high on
ammonia like burning lions... fall on poor old lush
worker, scare her veins right down to the bone. Her
skin pop a week or do that five-twenty-nine kick handed
out free and gratis by NYC to jostling junkies.... So
Fag, Beagle, Irish, Sailor beware! Look down, look
down along that line before you travel there. |