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  "Yes, Carl, you seem to be running our little obstacle
course with flying colors.... I guess  you think  this is
all pretty silly don't you now... ???"
  "Well, to tell the truth... Yes..."
  "You  are  frank,  Carl...  This  is good....  And now
...Carl..."  He  dragged the  name out  caressingly like
a sweet con dick about to offer you an Old Gold  -- ( just
like  a  cop  to smoke  Old Golds  somehow) and  go into
his act....
  The con dick does a little dance step.
  "Why  don't  you  make  The  Man  a  proposition?"  he
jerks  a  head  towards his  glowering super-ego  who is
always referred to in the third person  as "The  Man" or
"The Lieutenant."
  "That's the way the Lieutenant is, you play  fair with
him and he'll  play fair  with you....  We'd like  to go
light on you.... If you could help us in some  way." His
words open out into a desolate  waste of  cafeterias and
street corners and lunch rooms.  Junkies look  the other
way munching pound cake.
  "The Fag is wrong."
  The Fag slumps in a  hotel chair  knocked out  on goof
balls with his tongue lolling out.
  He gets up in a goof ball trance, hangs  himself with-
out altering his expression or pulling his tongue in.
  The dick is diddling on a pad.
  "Know Marty Steel?" Diddle.
  "Can you score off him?" Diddle? Diddle?
  "He's skeptical."
  "But  you  can  score."  Diddle  diddle "You  scored off
him last week didn't you?" Diddle???
  "Well  you  can  score  off  him this  week." Diddle...
Diddle...  Diddle...  "You  can  score  off  him  today."
No diddle.
  "Not No! Not that!!"
  "Now look are you going to  cooperate" --  three vicious
diddles -- "or does the... does  the Man  cornhole you?"
He raises a fay eyebrow.
  "And  so Carl  you will  please oblige  to tell  me how
many  times  and  under   what  circumstances   you  have
uh  indulged  in  homosexual  acts???"  His  voice drifts
away. "If you have never done so I  shall be  inclined to
think  of  you  as  a somewhat  atypical young  man." The
doctor raises a coy admonishing  finger. "In  any case..."
He  tapped  the  file  and  flashed  a  hideous  leer. Carl
noticed that the file was  six inches  thick. In  fact it
seemed  to  have  thickened  enormously since  he entered
the room.
  "Well,  when  I  was   doing  my   military  service...
These  queers  used  to  proposition me  and sometimes...
when I was blank..."
  "Yes, of course, Carl," the doctor brayed heartily. "In
your position I  would have  done the  same I  don't mind
telling  you  heh  heh heh.
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