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  In  cases  of  suspected  tubercu-
losis we --  that is  the appropriate  department --  may ask,
even   request,   someone  to   appear  for   a  fluoroscopic
examination.  This  is  routine,  you  understand.  Most  of
such  examinations  turn  up  negative.  So  you  have  been
asked  to report  here for,  should I  say a  psychic fluoro-
scope?  I  may  add that  after talking  with you  I feel
relatively sure that the result will be, for  practical pur-
poses, negative....
    "But  the  whole  thing  is  ridiculous.  I  have always
interested myself only in girls.  I have  a steady  girl now
and we plan to marry."
    "Yes  Carl,  I know.  And that  is why  you are  here. A
blood test prior to marriage, this is reasonable, no?"
    "Please doctor, speak directly."
  The  doctor  did  not  seem  to hear.  He drifted  out of
his  chair  and  began  walking  around  behind  Carl,  his
voice  languid  and  intermittent like  music down  a windy
  "I may  tell you  in strictest  confidence that  there is
definite evidence of a hereditary factor.  Social pressure.
Many  homosexuals  latent  and  overt   do,  unfortunately,
marry.  Such  marriages  often   result  in...   Factor  of
infantile  environment."  The  doctor's  voice went  on and
on.  He  was  talking  about  schizophrenia,  cancer, here-
ditary disfunction of the hypothalamus.
  Carl  dozed  off.  He was  opening a  green door.  A hor-
rible  smell  grabbed  his  lungs  and  he  woke up  with a
shock. The doctor's voice was strangely flat  and lifeless,
a whispering junky voice:
  "The  Kleiberg-Stanislouski  semen   fioculation  test...
a  diagnostic  tool...  indicative at  least in  a negative
sense.  In  certain  cases useful  -- taken  as part  of the
whole  picture....  Perhaps  under  the  uh circumstances."
The  doctor's  voice  shot  up  to  a  pathic  scream. "The
nurse will take your uh specimen."
  "This  way   please...."  The   nurse  opened   the  door
into a bare white walled cubicle. She handed him a jar.
  "Use this please. Just yell when you're ready."
  There  was  a jar  of K.Y.  on a  glass shelf.  Carl felt
ashamed  as  if  his  mother  had  laid out  a handkerchief
for him. Some coy little  message stitched  on like:  "If I
was a cunt we could open a dry goods store."
  Ignoring the  K.Y., he  ejaculated into  the jar,  a cold
brutal fuck of the nurse  standing her  up against  a glass
brick  wall.  "Old  Glass  Cunt,"  he  sneered,  and  saw a
cunt  full of  colored glass  splinters under  the Northern
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