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  "Old  Glass  Cunt,"  he  sneered,  and  saw a
cunt  full of  colored glass  splinters under  the Northern
  He washed his penis and buttoned up his pants.
  Something  was  watching  his  every  thought  and  move-
ment with cold, sneering hate, the shifting of  his testes,
the contractions of  his rectum.  He was  in a  room filled
with  green  light. There  was a  stained wood  double bed,
a black wardrobe with  full length  mirror. Carl  could not
see his face. Someone was sitting in  a black  hotel chair.
He  was wearing  a stiff  bosomed white  shirt and  a dirty
paper tie. The face swollen, skull-less, eyes  like burning
  "Something  wrong?"  said  the  nurse  indifferently. She
was  holding  a  glass  of  water out  to him.  She watched
him  drink  with  aloof  contempt.  She  turned  and picked
up the jar with obvious distaste.
  The  nurse  turned  to  him: "Are  you waiting  for some-
thing   special?"   she  snapped.   Carl  had   never  been
spoken to like that in his adult  life. "Why  no...." "You
can go then," she  turned back  to the  jar. With  a little
exclamation of disgust  she wiped  a gob  of semen  off her
hand. Carl crossed the room and stood at the door.
  "Do I have another appointment?'
  She  looked  at  him  in  disapproving  surprise: "You'll
be notified of  course." She  stood in  the doorway  of the
cubicle  and  watched  him  walk  through  the  outer office
and  open  the  door.  He  turned  and  attempted  a jaunty
wave.  The  nurse did  not move  or change  her expression.
As  he  walked  down  the  stairs  the  broken,  false grin
burned   his   face  with   shame.  A   homosexual  tourist
looked  at  him  and  raised  a  knowing   eyebrow.  "Some-
thing wrong?"
  Carl  ran  into  a  park  and found  an empty  bench be-
side a bronze faun with cymbals.
  "Let your hair down, chicken.  You'll feel  better." The
tourist  was  leaning  over  him,  his camera  swinging in
Carl's face like a great dangling tit.
  "Fuck off you!"
  Carl  saw  something   ignoble  and   hideous  reflected
back in the queen's spayed animal brown eyes.
  "Oh!  I wouldn't  be calling  any names  if I  were you,
chicken.  You're  hooked  too.  I  saw  you coming  out of
The Institute."
  'What do you mean by that?" Carl demanded.
  "Oh nothing. Nothing at all."

  '%"Well, Carl," the doctor began smiling and keeping
his eyes on a level with Carl's mouth. "I have some
good news for you." He picked up a slip of blue paper
off the desk and went through an elaborate pantomime
of focusing his eyes on it.
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