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"Your uh test... the
Robinson-Kleiberg floculation test..."
  "I thought it was a Blomberg-Stanlouski test."
  The doctor tittered. "Oh dear no.... You are getting
ahead of me young man. You might have misunder-
stood. The Blomberg-Stanlouski, weeell that's a different
sort of test altogether. I do hope... not necessary...."
He tittered again: "But as I was saying before I was so
charmingly interrupted... by my hurumph learned
young colleague. Your KS seems to be..." He held the
slip at arm's length. "...completely uh negative. So
perhaps we won't be troubling you any further. And
so..." He folded the slip carefully into a file. He leafed
through the file. Finally he stopped and frowned and
pursed his lips. He closed the  file and  put his  hand Hat
on it and leaned forward.
  "Carl,  when  you  were  doing your  military service...
There must  have been...  in fact  there were  long peri-
ods  when  you  found  yourself  deprived  of the  uh con-
solations and uh facilities of the fair sex.  During these
no  doubt  trying  and  difficult  periods you  had perhaps
a  pin  up  girl?  Or more  likely a  pin up  harem? Heh
heh heh..."
  Carl  looked at  the doctor  with overt  distaste. "Yes,
of course," he said. "We all did."
  "And  now,  Carl,  I  would  like to  show you  some pin
up girls." He  pulled an  envelope out  of a  drawer. "And
ask you to please  pick out  the one  you would  most like
to  uh  make  heh  heh  heh...."  He suddenly  leaned for-
ward  fanning  the  photographs in  front of  Carl's face.
"Pick a girl, any girl!"
  Carl  reached  out  with  numb  fingers and  touched one
of the  photographs. The  doctor put  the photo  back into
the  pack  and  shuffled and  cut and  he placed  the pack
on  Carl's  file  and  slapped it  smartly. He  spread the
photos face up in front of Carl. "Is she there?"
  Carl shook his head.
  "Of  course not.  She is  in here  where she  belongs. A
woman's  place  what??"  He  opened  the  file  and  held
out the girl's photo attached to a Rorshach plate.
  "Is that her?"
  Carl nodded silently.
  "You have good taste, my boy. I may tell you  in strict-
est  confidence  that  some of  these girls..."  with gam-
bler  fingers  he shifts  the photos  in Three  Card Monte
Passes -- "are really  boys. In  uh drag  I believe  is the
word?"  His eyebrows  shot up  and down  with incredi-
ble speed. Carl could not be sure  he had  seen anything
unusual. The doctor's face  opposite him  was absolutely
immobile  and  expressionless.  Once again  Carl experi-
enced the Hoating sensation in his stomach  and genitals
of a sudden elevator stop.
  "Yes, Carl, you seem to be running our little obstacle
course with flying colors.
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