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  Carl Peterson found a postcard  in his  box requesting
him to report for a ten o'clock appointment  with Doctor
Benway  in the  Ministry of  Mental Hygiene  and Prophy-
  "What  on  earth   could  they   want  with   me?"  he
thought irritably....  "A mistake  most likely."  But he
knew they  didn't make  mistakes.... Certainly  not mis-
takes of identity....
  It would not have  occurred to  Carl to  disregard the
appointment even  though failure  to appear  entailed no
penalty.... Freeland was a welfare  state. If  a citizen
wanted anything from  a load  of bone  meal to  a sexual
partner  some  department was  ready to  offer effective
aid. The threat implicit in this  enveloping benevolence
stifled the concept of rebellion....
  Carl   walked   through   the  Town   Hall  Square....
Nickel nudes sixty feet high with brass  genitals soaped
themselves  under  gleaming  showers....  The  Town Hall
cupola, of glass brick and copper crashed into the sky.
  Carl  stared  back  at  a homosexual  American tourist
who dropped his eyes and fumbled with the  light filters
of his Leica....
  Carl entered the steel enamel labyrinth of  the Minis-
try,  strode  to the  information desk...  and presented
his card.
  "Fifth floor... Room twenty-six..."
  In room  twenty-six a  nurse looked  at him  with cold
undersea eyes.
  "Doctor Benway  is expecting  you," she  said smiling.
"Go right in."
  "As if he had nothing to do but wait for  me," thought
  The office was completely silent, and filled with milky
light. The doctor  shook Carl's  hand, keeping  his eyes
on the young man's chest....
  "I've  seen  this man  before," Carl  thought.... "But
  He sat down  and crossed  his legs.  He glanced  at an
ashtray on the desk  and lit  a cigarette....  He turned
to the  doctor a  steady inquiring  gaze in  which there
was more than a touch of insolence.
  The  doctor  seemed  embarrassed....  He  fidgeted  and
coughed... and fumbled with papers....
  "Hurumph,"  he  said  finally....  "Your  name  is  Carl
Peterson I believe...." His glasses  slid down  into his
nose  in   parody  of   the  academic   manner....  Carl
nodded silently.... We doctor  did not  look at  him but
seemed none  the less  to register  the acknowledgment.
... He  pushed  his  glasses  back  into place  with one
finger and opened a file on the white enameled desk.
  "Mmmmmmmm.   Carl    Peterson,"   he    repeated   the
name  caressingly,  pursed his  lips and  nodded several
times.  He  spoke  again abruptly:  "You know  of course
that  we  are trying.
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