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Boys jacking off in the school toilet know
other as agents from Galaxy X, adjourn to a
night spot where they sit shabby and por-
drinking wine vinegar and eating lemons to
the tenor sax, a hip Arab in blue glasses sus-
to be Enemy Sender. The world network of junkies,
on a cord of rancid jissom... tying up in fur-
rooms... shivering in the sick morning...
Old Pete men suck the Black Smoke in a Chink laun-
back room. Melancholy Baby dies from an overdose
Time or cold turkey withdrawal of breath -- in Arabia
Paris -- Mexico City -- New York -- New Orleans -- ) The
and the dead... in sickness or on the nod...
or kicked or hooked again... come in on the
beam and The Connection is eating Chop Suey
Dolores Street... dunking pound cake in Bickfords
. . chased up Exchange Place by a baying pack of
Malarials of the world bundle in shivering
Fear seals the turd message with a cunei-
account. Giggling rioters copulate to the screams
a burning Nigra. Lonely librarians unite in soul kiss
halitosis. That grippy feeling, brother? Sore throat
and disquieting as the hot afternoon wind?
to the International Syphilis Lodge -- "Meth-
Epithcopal God damn ith" (phrase used to test
speech impairment typical of paresis ) or the first
touch of chancre makes you a member in good
The vibrating soundless hum of deep forest
orgone accumulators, the sudden silence of cities
when  the  junky  cops  and   even  the   Commuter  buzzes
clogged lines of cholesterol for contact. Signal flares of
orgasm  burst  over  the  world.  A  tea  head   leaps  up
screaming "I got the  fear!" and  runs into  Mexican night
bringing  down  backbrains  of   the  world.   The  Execu-
tioner  shits  in terror  at sight  of the  condemned man.
The Torturer screams in the ear of his  implacable victim.
Knife  fighters  embrace  in adrenalin.  Cancer is  at the
door with a Singing Telegram....


  When they walked  in on  me that  morning at  8 o'clock,
I knew it was  my last  chance, my  only chance.  But they
didn't  know.  How  could  they?  Just a  routine pick-up.
But not quite routine.
  Hauser  had  been  eating   breakfast  when   the  Lieu-
tenant called: "I  want you  and your  partner to  pick up
a  man  named  Lee,  William  Lee,   on  your   way  down-
town. He's in the Hotel Lamprey. 103 just off B way."
  "Yeah I know where it is. I remember him too."
  "Good.  Room  606.  Just  pick him  up. Don't  take time
to  shake  the  place  down.  Except  bring in  all books,
letters, manuscripts. Anything printed, typed  or written.
  "Ketch. But what's the angle.... Books... "
  "Just do it." The Lieutenant hung up.
  Hauser  and  O'Brien.  They  had been  on the  City Nar-
cotic Squad for  20 years.  Oldtimers like  me. I  been on
the junk for 16  years. They  weren't bad  as laws  go. At
least  O'Brien  wasn't.
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