Other drugs that
have produced experimental schizophrenia -- mescaline,
harmaline, LSD6 -- are backbrain stimulants. In schizo-
phrenia the backbrain is alternately stimulated and
depressed. Catatonia is often followed by a period of
excitement and motor activity during which the nut
rushes through the wards giving everyone a bad time.
Deteriorated schizos sometimes refuse to move at all
and spend their lives in bed. A disturbance of the regu-
latory function of the hypothalamus is indicated as the
'cause' (causal thinking never yields accurate description
of metabolic process -- limitations of existing language)
of schizophrenia. Alternate doses of LSD6 and bulbo-
capnine -- the bulbocapnine potientiated with curare --
give the highest yield of automatic obedience.
"There are other procedures. The subject can be re-
duced to deep depression by administering large doses
of benzedrine for several days. Psychosis can be induced
by continual large doses of cocaine or demerol or by the
abrupt withdrawal of barbiturates after prolonged ad-
ministration. He can be addicted by dihydro-oxy-heroin
and subjected to withdrawal (this compound should be
five times as addicting as heroin, and the withdrawal
proportionately severe ).
"There are various 'psychological methods,' compul-
sory psychoanalysis, for example. The subject is re-
quested to free-associate for one hour every day (in
cases where time is not of the essence). 'Now, now. Let's
not be negative, boy. Poppa call nasty man. Take baby
walkabout switchboard.'
"The case of a female agent who forgot her real iden-
tity and merged with her cover story -- she is still a
fricoteuse in Annexia -- put me onto another gimmick. An
agent is trained to deny his agent identity by asserting
his cover story. So why not use psychic jiu-jitsu and go
along with him? Suggest that his cover story is his iden-
tity and that he has no other. His agent identity becomes
unconscious, that is, out of his control; and you can dig
it with drugs and hypnosis. You can make a square
heterosexual citizen queer with this angle... that is, rein-
force and second his rejection of normally latent homo-
sexual trends -- at the same time depriving him of cunt
and subjecting him to homosexual stimulation. Then drugs,
hypnosis, and --" Benway flipped a limp wrist.
"Many subjects are vulnerable to sexual humiliation.
Nakedness, stimulation with aphrodisiacs, constant su-
pervision to embarrass subject and prevent relief of mas-
turbation (erections during sleep automatically turn on
an enormous vibrating electric buzzer that throws the
subject out of bed into cold water, thus reducing the
incidence of wet dreams to a minimum). |