...The old mother is having an operation,
and her daughter move right in to see the old gash
receive proper service. Strange visitors, presumably
relatives... One of them wears as glasses those gad-
gets jewelers screw into their eyes to examine stones.
...Probably a diamond-cutter on the skids... The man
who loused up the Throckmorton Diamond and was
drummed out of the industry.... All these jewelers
standing around the Diamond in their frock coats, wait-
ing on The Man. An error of one thousandth of an
inch ruins the rock complete and they have to import
this character special from Amsterdam to do the job.
...So he reels in dead drunk with a huge air hammer
and pounds the diamond to dust....
I don't check these citizens.... Dope peddlers from
Aleppo?... Slunk traffickers from Buenos Aires? Il-
legal diamond buyers from Johannesburg?... Slave
traders from Somaliland? Collaborators at the very
Continual dreams of junk: I am looking for a poppy
field.... Moonshiners in black Stetsons direct me to
a Near East cafe.... One of the waiters is a connection
for Yugoslav opium....
Buy a packet of heroin from a Malay Lesbian in
white belted trenchcoat.... I cop the paper in Tibetan
section of a museum. She keeps trying to steal it back.
...I am looking for a place to fix....
The critical point of withdrawal is not the early
phase of acute sickness, but the final step free from
the medium of junk....There is a nightmare interlude
of cellular panic, life suspended between two ways of
being.... At this point the longing for junk concen-
trates in a last, all-out yen, and seems to gain a dream
power: circumstances put junk in your way.... You
meet an old-time Schmecker, a larcenous hospital at-
tendant, a writing croaker....
A guard in a uniform of human skin, black buck
jacket with carious yellow teeth buttons, an elastic
pullover shirt in burnished Indian copper, adolescent-
nordic-sun-tan slacks, sandals from calloused foot soles
of young Malayan farmer, an ash-brown scarf knotted
and tucked in the shirt. (Ash-brown is a color like
grey under brown skin. You sometimes find it in mixed
Negro and white stock, the mixture did not come of
and the colors separated out like oil on water.... )
The Guard is a sharp dresser, since he has nothing
to do and saves all his pay to buy fine clothes and
changes three times a day in front of an enormous mag-
nifying mirror. |