Traffickers in the Black Meat, flesh of the giant
aquatic black centipede -- sometimes attaining a length
of six feet -- found in a lane of black rocks and iridescent,
brown lagoons, exhibit paralyzed crustaceans in cam-
ouflage pockets of the Plaza visible only to the Meat
Followers of obsolete unthinkable trades, doodling
in Etruscan, addicts of drugs not yet synthesized, black
marketeers of World War III, excisors of telepathic
sensitivity, osteopaths of the spirit, investigators of
infractions denounced by bland paranoid chess players,
servers of fragmentary warrants taken down in hebe-
phrenic shorthand charging unspeakable mutilations of
the spirit, officials of unconstituted police states, brokers
of exquisite dreams and nostalgias tested on the sensi-
tized cells of junk sickness and bartered for raw mate-
rials of the will, drinkers of the Heavy Fluid sealed in
translucent amber of dreams.
The Meet Cafe occupies one side of the Plaza, a
maze of kitchens, restaurants, sleeping cubicles, peril-
ous iron balconies and basements opening into the
underground baths.
On stools covered in white satin sit naked Mug-
wumps sucking translucent, colored syrups through
alabaster straws. Mugwumps have no liver and nourish
themselves exclusively on sweets. Thin, purple-blue
lips cover a razor-sharp beak of black bone with which
they frequently tear each other to shreds in fights
over clients. These creatures secrete an addicting fluid
from their erect penises which prolongs life by slow-
ing metabolism. (In fact all longevity agents have
proved addicting in exact ratio to their effectiveness
in prolonging life. ) Addicts of Mugwump fluid are
known as Reptiles. A number of these How over chairs
with their flexible bones and black-pink flesh. A fan
of green cartilage covered with hollow, erectile hairs
through which the Reptiles absorb the fluid sprouts
from behind each ear. The fans, which move from time
to time touched by invisible currents, serve also same
form of communication known only to Reptiles.
During the biennial Panics when the raw, pealed
Dream Police storm the City, the Mugwumps take
refuge in the deepest crevices of the wall sealing them-
selves in clay cubicles and remain for weeks in bio-
stasis. |