... She stands there smiling stupidly and
flexing her huge muscles.... The Technician is craw-
pleasure to the head.... Ten minutes later you want
another shot.... The pleasure of morphine is in the
viscera.... You listen down into yourself after a shot.
...But intravenous C is electricity through the brain,
activating cocaine pleasure connections.... There is no
withdrawal syndrome with C. It is a need of the brain
alone -- a need without body and without feeling. Earth-
bound ghost need. The craving for C lasts only a few
hours as long as the C channels are stimulated. Then
you forget it. Eukodol is like a combination of junk
and C. Trust the Germans to concoct some really evil
shit. Eukodol like morphine is six times stronger than
codeine. Heroin six times stronger than morphine. Di-
hydro-oxy-heroin should be six times stronger than
heroin. Quite possible to develop a drug so habit-form-
ing that one shot would cause lifelong addiction.
Habit Note continued: Picking up needle I reach
spontaneously for the tie-up cord with my left hand.'
This I take as a sign I can hit the one useable vein
in my left arm, (The movements of tying up are such
that you normally tie up the arm with which you
reach for the cord. ) The needle slides in easily on the
edge of a callous. I feel around. Suddenly a thin column
of blood shoots up into the syringe, for a moment sharp
and solid as a red cord.
The body knows what veins you can hit and conveys
this knowledge in the spontaneous movements you
make preparing to take a shot.... Sometimes the
needle points like a dowser's wand. Sometime I must
wait for the message, But when it comes I always hit
A red orchid bloomed at the bottom of the dropper.
He hesitated for a full second, then pressed the bulb,
watching the liquid rush into the vein as if sucked by
the silent thirst of his blood. There was an iridescent,
thin coat of blood left in the dropper, and the white
paper collar was soaked through with blood like a
bandage. He reached over and filled the dropper with
water. As he squirted the water out, the shot hit him
in the stomach, a soft sweet blow.
Look down at my filthy trousers, haven't been
changed in months.... The days glide by strung on
a syringe with a long thread of blood.... I am forget-
ting sex and all sharp pleasures of the body -- a grey,
junk-bound ghost. The Spanish boys call me El Hom-
bre Invisible -- the Invisible Man....
Twenty push ups every morning. Use of junk re-
moves fat, leaves muscle more or less intact. |