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He  has sacrificed
all  control,  and is  dependent as  an unborn  child. The
Oblique  Addict  suffers  a  whole spectrum  of subjective
horror, silent protoplasmic frenzy, hideous agony  of the
bones.  Tensions  build  up,  pure  energy  without  emo-
tional content  finally tears  through the  body throwing
him  about  like  a  man  in  contact  with  high tension
wires.  If  his charge  connection is  cut off  cold, the
Oblique Addict falls into  such violent  electric convul-
sions that his bones shake  loose, and  he dies  with the
skeleton straining to climb out of his  unendurable flesh
and run in a straight line to the nearest cemetery.
  The  relation  between  an  O.A.  (Oblique  Addict) and
his R.C. (Recharge  Connection) is  so intense  that they
can  only  endure  each  other's  company  for  brief and
infrequent intervals -- I mean aside from  recharge meets,
when  all personal  contact is  eclipsed by  the recharge

  Reading  the  paper.... Something  about a  triple mur-
der  in  the  rue de  la Merde,  Paris: "An  adjusting of
scores."...I  keep  slipping  away....  "The  police have
identified  the  author... Pepe  El Culito...  The Little
Ass  Hole,  an  affectionate  diminutive." Does  it really
say that?... I try  to focus  the words...  they separate
in meaningless mosaic....


  Fumbling through faded tape at the pick up frontier,
a languid grey area of hiatus miasmic with yawns and
gaping goof  holes, Lee  found out  that the  young junky
standing  there  in  his  room  at  10  A.M. Was  back from
two months skin diving in Corsica and off the junk....
  "Here  to  show off  his  new  body,"  Lee  decided  with
a  shudder  of  morning  junk  sickness.  He  knew  that he
was  seeing  --  ah  yes  Miguel  thank  you --  three months
back  sitting  in  the  Metropole nodded  out over  a stale
yellow  eclair  that would  poison a  cat two  hours later,
decided  that  the  effort  involved  in  seeing  Miguel  at
all  10  A.M.  was  enough  without  the  intolerable chore
of correcting an error -- ("what is  this a  fucking farm?")
which  would  also  entail  current  picture  of  Miguel in
much  used  areas  like  some  great,   inconvenient  beast
of an object on top in the suitcase.
  "You  look   marvelous,"  Lee   said,  wiping   away  the
more  obvious  signs  of  distaste  with  a  sloppy, casual
napkin,  seeing  the grey  ooze of  junk in  Miguel's face,
studying  patterns  of  shabbiness  as  if man  and clothes
had  moved  for  years  through  back  alleys of  time with
never a space station to tidy up.
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