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   Stink  of   oil  and
sewage.   Sick   sharks  swim   through  the   black  water,
belch  sulphur  from  rotting   livers,  ignore   a  bloody,
broken   Icarus.   Naked   Mr.   America,   burning  frantic
with  self  bone  love,  screams   out:  "My   asshole  con-
founds  the  Louvre!  I  fart  ambrosia  and shit  pure gold
turds!  My  cock  spurts  soft   diamonds  in   the  morning
sunlight!"   He  plummets   from  the   eyeless  lighthouse,
kissing  and  jacking  off  in  face  of  the  black  mirror,
glides  oblique  down  with   cryptic  condoms   and  mosaic
of  a  thousand  newspapers  through   a  drowned   city  of
red brick  to settle  in black  mud with  tin cans  and beer
bottles,  gangsters  in  concrete,  pistols pounded  Hat and
meaningless  to  avoid  short-arm  inspection  of  prurient
ballistic experts. He waits the slow striptease  of erosion
with fossil loins.
  The  Mugwump  slips  the  noose   over  the   boy's  head
and  tightens  the  knot caressingly  behind the  left ear.
The boy's  penis is  retracted, his  balls tight.  He looks
straight  ahead  breathing   deeply.  The   Mugwump  sidles
around  the  boy  goosing  him  and caressing  his genitals
in  hieroglyphs  of  mockery.  He   moves  in   behind  the
boy  with  a series  of bumps  and shoves  his cock  up the
boy's ass. He stands there moving in circular gyrations.
  The guests shush each other, nudge and giggle.
  Suddenly  the  Mugwump  pushes   the  boy   forward  into
space, free of  his cock.  He steadies  the boy  with hands
on  the  hip  bones,  reaches up  with his  stylized hiero-
glyph  hands  and snaps  the boy's  neck. A  shudder passes
through  the  boy's body.  His penis  rises in  three great
surges pulling his pelvis up, ejaculates immediately.
  Green  sparks  explode  behind his  eyes. A  sweet tooth-
ache  pain  shoots  through  his  neck  down  the  spine to
the  groin,  contracting  the  body  in spasms  of delight.
His   whole  body   squeezes  out   through  his   cock.  A
final  spasm  throws  a  great  spurt  of sperm  across the
red screen like a shooting star.
  The  boy  falls with  soft gutty  suction through  a maze
of penny arcades and dirty pictures.
  A  sharp  turd  shoots  clean  out  his ass.  Farts shake
his  slender  body.  Skyrockets  burst  in  green  clusters
across  a  great  river.
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