He rocks the hammock gently back
and forth. The boy screams, a weird high wail of un-
endurable delight.
A Javanese dancer in ornate teak swivel chair, set
in a socket of limestone buttocks, pulls an American
boy -- red hair, bright green eyes -- down onto his cock
with ritual motions. The boy sits impaled facing the
dancer who propels himself in circular gyrations, lend-
ing fluid substance to the chair. "Weeeeeeeeee!" scream
the boy as his sperm spurt up over the dancer's lean
brown chest. One gob hit the corner of the dancer's
mouth. The boy push it in with his finger and laugh:
"Man, that's what I call suction!"
Two Arab women with bestial faces have pulled
the shorts off a little blond French boy. They are screw-
ing him with red rubber cocks. The boy snarls, bites,
kicks, collapses in tears as his cock rises and ejaculates.
Hassan's face swells, tumescent with blood. His lips
turn purple. He strip off his suit of banknotes and
throw it into an open vault that closes soundless.
"Freedom Hall here, folks!" he screams in his phoney
Texas accent. Ten-gallon hat and cowboy boots still
on, he dances the Liquefactionist Jig, ending with a
grotesque can-can to the tune of She Started a Heat
"Let it be! And no holes barred!("
Couples attached to baroque harnesses with artificial
wings copulate in the air, screaming like magpies.
Aerialists ejaculate each other in space with one sure
Equilibrists suck each other off deftly, balanced on
perilous poles and chairs tilted over the void. A warm
wind brings the smell of rivers and jungle from misty
Boys by the hundred plummet through the roof,
quivering and kicking at the end of ropes. The boys
hang at different levels, some near the ceiling and oth-
ers a few inches off the floor. Exquisite Balinese and
Malays, Mexican Indians with fierce innocent faces
and bright red gums. Negroes ( teeth, fingers, toe nails
and pubic hair gilded), Japanese boys smooth and
white as China, Titian-haired Venetian lads, Americans
with blond or black curls falling across the forehead
(the guests tenderly shove it back), sulky blond Pol-
lacks with animal brown eyes, Arab and Spanish street
boys, Austrian boys pink and delicate with a faint
shadow of blond pubic hair, sneering German youths
with bright blue eyes scream "Heil Hitler!" as the trap
falls under them. |