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train shakes through their bodies, ejaculate them, fades
with  distant  whistle.  Frogs  croak.  The   boys  wash
semen off lean brown stomachs.
  Train  compartment:  two sick  young junkies  on their
way to Lexington  tear their  pants down  in convulsions
of lust. One of them soaps his cock and works it  up the
other's ass with  a corkscrew  motion. "Jeeeeeeeeeeeeee-
sus!"  Both  ejaculate  at once  standing up.  They move
away from each other and pull up their pants.
  "Old  croaker  in  Marshall  writes  for  tincture and
sweet oil."
  "The  piles  of  an  aged  mother  shriek out  raw and
bleeding  for  the  Black Shit....  Doc, suppose  it was
your  mother,  rimmed  by  resident  leaches,  squirming
around  so  nasty....  De-active  that pelvis,  mom, you
disgust me already"
  "Let's stop over and make him for an RX."
  The  train  tears on  through the  smoky, neon-lighted
June night.
  Pictures of men  and women,  boys and  girls, animals,
fish, birds, the copulating rhythm of the  universe Hows
through the room, a great blue tide of  life. Vibrating,
soundless hum of deep  forest --  sudden quiet  of cities
when  the  junky copes.  A moment  of stillness  and won-
der. Even the  Commuter buzzes  clogged lines  of choles-
terol for contact.
  Hassan  shrieks  out:  "This is  your doing,  A.J.! You
poopa my party!"
  A.J.  looks  at  him, face  remote as  limestone: "Uppa
your ass, you liquefying gook."
  A   horde   of   lust-mad   American  women   rush  in.
Dripping  cunts,  from  farm  and  dude  ranch,  factory,
brothel,  country  club,  penthouse  and   suburb,  motel
and yacht and cocktail bar, strip off riding  clothes, ski
togs, evening dresses, levis,  tea gowns,  print dresses,
slacks,  bathing  suits  and  kimonos.  They  scream  and
yipe  and howl,  leap on  the guests  like bitch  dogs in
heat with rabies. They  claw at  the hanged  boys shriek-
ing:  "You  fairy!  You  bastard!   Fuck  me!   Fuck  me!
Fuck  me!"   The  guests   flee  screaming,   dodge  among
the hanged boys, overturn iron lungs.
  A.J.:  "Call  out  my  Sweitzers,  God  damn  it! Guard
me from these she-foxest"
  Mr. Hyslop, A. J.'s secretary, looks up from  his comic
book: "The Sweitzers liquefy already."
  (Liquefaction  involves  protein  cleavage  and  reduc-
tion  to  liquid  which is  absorbed into  someone else's
protoplasmic being. Hassan, a  notorious liquefactionist,
is probably the beneficiary in this case.)
  A.J.:   "Gold-bricking   cocksuckers!  Where's   a  man
without his Sweitzers? Our  backs are  to the  wall, gen-
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