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  "Let  me  hang  you,  Mark....   Let  me   hang  you....
Please, Mark, let me hang you!"
  "Sure  baby."  He  pulls  her brutally  to her  feet and
pins her hands behind her.
  "No,  Mark!!  No!  No!  No,"  she screams,  shitting and
pissing  in terror  as he  drags her  to the  platform. He
leaves her  tied on  the platform  in a  pile of  old used
condoms,  while  he  adjusts the  rope across  the room...
and comes back  carrying the  noose on  a silver  tray. He
jerks her to her feet  and tightens  the noose.  He sticks
his cock up her and  waltzes around  the platform  and off
into  ~pace  swinging  in a  great arc....  "Wheeeeee!" he
screams,  turning  into  Johnny. Her  neck snaps.  A great
fluid  wave  undulates  through  her  body.   Johnny  drops
to  the floor  and stands  poised and  alert like  a young
  He  leaps  about  the  room.  With  a scream  of longing
that  shatters  the glass  wall he  leaps out  into space.
Masturbating  end-over-end,  three  thousand   feet  down,
his  sperm  floating beside  him, he  screams all  the way
against the shattering blue of sky,  the rising  sun burn-
ing  over  his body  like gasoline,  down past  great oaks
and   persimmons,   swamp   cypress   and   mahogany,   to
shatter in  liquid relief  in a  ruined square  paved with
limestone.  Weeds  and  vines  grow  between  the  stones,
and rusty iron bolts three feet thick penetrate  the white
stone, stain it shit-brown of rust.
  Johnny  dowses  Mary  with  gasoline  from   an  obscene
Chimu  jar  of  white  jade.... He  anoints his  own body.
... They  embrace,  fall  to  the floor  and roll  under a
great  magnifying  glass  set  in  the roof...  burst into
flame with a cry that shatters the  glass wall,  roll into
space, fucking and screaming through  the air,  burst in
blood  and  flames  and  soot  on  brown. rocks  under a
desert sun. Johnny leaps about the  room in  agony. With
a scream that shatters the glass wall he  stands spread-
eagle to the rising sun, blood spurting out  his cock...
a  white  marble  god,  he  plummets  through  epileptic
explosions  into  the  old  Medjoub  writhe in  shit and
rubbish by a mud  wall under  a sun  that scar  and grab
the  flesh into  goose-pimples.... He  is a  boy sleeping
against the  mosque wall,  ejaculates wet  dreaming into
a thousand cunts pink and smooth as sea  shells, feeling
the delight of prickly pubic hairs slide up his cock.

  John  and  Mary  in  hotel  room  (music  of  East St.
Louis  Toodleoo).  Warm  spring  wind  blows  faded pink
curtains  in  through  open  window.
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