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Louis  Toodleoo).  Warm  spring  wind  blows  faded pink
curtains  in  through  open  window....  Frogs  croak in
vacant lots where corn grows and boys catch little green
garter  snakes  under  broken  limestone  stelae stained
with shit and threaded with rusty barbed wire....

  Neon -- chlorophyll green, purple, orange --  flashes on
and off. )

  Johnny extracts a  candiru from  Mary's cunt  with his
calipers.... He drops it into a  bottle of  mescal where
it turns into a Maguey  worm.... He  gives her  a douche
of  jungle  bone-softener,  her  vaginal teeth  flow out
mixed  with blood  and cysts....  Her cunt  shines fresh
and sweet as spring grass.... Johnny licks  Mary's cunt,
slow at first, with rising excitement parts the lips and
licks inside feeling the prickle of  pubic hairs  on his
tumescent  tongue....  Arms  thrown back,  breasts poin-
ing  straight  up,  Mary  lies  transfixed  with  neon nails.
...Johnny  moves  up  her  body,  his  cock  with  a  shining
round  opal  of lubricant  at the  open slit,  slides through
her pubic hairs and  enters her  cunt to  the hilt,  drawn in
by  a  suction  of  hungry  flesh....  His  face  swells  with
blood,  green  lights  burst  behind  his  eyes and  he falls
with a scenic railway through screaming girls....
  Damp  hairs  on  the  back  of  his balls  dry to  grass in
the  warm  spring  wind.  High  jungle  valley,  vines  creep
in  the  window.  Johnny's  cock  swells,  great   rank  buds
burst  out.  A  long  tuber  root  creeps  from  Mary's cunt,
feels  for  the  earth.  The  bodies  disintegrate  in  green
explosions.  The  hut  falls  in ruins  of broken  stone. The
boy  is  a  limestone  statue,  a  plant  sprouting  from his
cock, lips parted in the half-smile  of a  junky on  the nod.


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  The Beagle has stashed the heroin in a lottery ticket,
  One more shot -- tomorrow the cure.
  The  way  is  long.  Hard-ons  and  bring-downs   are  fre-
  It  was a  long time  over the  stony reg  to the  oasis of
date  palms  where  Arab  boys  shit  in  the  well  and rock
n'  roll  across the  sands of  muscle beach  eating hot-dogs
and spitting out gold teeth in nuggets.
  Toothless  and  strictly  from  the  long hunger,  ribs you
could  wash  your  filthy overalls  on, that  corrugate, they
quaver  down  from  the  outrigger   in  Easter   Island  and
stalk ashore on legs stiff and brittle as stilts...  they nod
in  club  windows...  fallen  into the  fat of  lack-need to
sell a slim body.
  The date palms  have died  of meet  lack, the  well filled
with  dried  shit  and  mosaic  of  a  thousand  newspapers:
"Russia   denies.
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