Let us hope (будем надеяться) that you will find here this afternoon what you desire (что вы найдете здесь сегодня вечером то, что вы желаете)."
There was no need in him to question her (не было нужды = ему не требовалось спрашивать ее) as to how it was possible for her to fulfill such a wish (относительно того, как было возможным для нее исполнить такое желание). He knew from his own experience (он знал по собственному опыту) something of the nature of these special Englishwomen (кое-что о характере этих особенных англичанок) and simply assumed (и просто предположил) that she had been left a legacy (что ей было оставлено наследство), or had suddenly acquired a large sum of money (или неожиданно получила крупную сумму денег) through one of those massive and extraordinary football lotteries (в одну из тех крупных и удивительных футбольных лотерей) he was always reading about in the papers (о которых он всегда = постоянно читал в газетах) as conferring untold wealth upon British railroad porters (как о дарующих несметные богатства проводникам Британской железной дороги; to confer — жаловать /кому-л. что-л./, даровать; дарить), coal miners (шахтерам: «углекопам») or grocery clerks (или клеркам бакалейной лавки). But had he known (но если бы он знал) just how Mrs. Harris had come by the entire sum (как именно миссис Харрис получила полную сумму; to come by — доставать, достигать, приобретать, находить) needed to satisfy her ambition (необходимую, чтобы удовлетворить ее стремление) he would not have been surprised either (он не был бы удивлен также).
echo ['ekqu], acquire [q'kwaIq], entire [In'taIq]
"A Dior dress," he echoed her, "a splendid idea. Let us hope that you will find here this afternoon what you desire."
There was no need in him to question her as to how it was possible for her to fulfill such a wish. He knew from his own experience something of the nature of these special Englishwomen and simply assumed that she had been left a legacy, or had suddenly acquired a large sum of money through one of those massive and extraordinary football lotteries he was always reading about in the papers as conferring untold wealth upon British railroad porters, coal miners or grocery clerks. But had he known just how Mrs. Harris had come by the entire sum needed to satisfy her ambition he would not have been surprised either.
They now understood one another (они теперь понимали один другого = друг друга) as did old friends (как старые друзья) who had much in life behind them (которые через многое прошли вместе: «имели многое в жизни позади них»).
"I wouldn't let on to anyone else (я не сказала бы никому другому; to let on — выдавать секрет)," Mrs. Harris confessed from the comfort of her new-found friendship (миссис Харрис призналась от ободрения = приободрившись, благодаря вновь обретенной дружбе), "but I was frightened to death to come 'ere (но я была напугана = боялась до смерти приехать сюда)."
The old man looked at her in astonishment (пожилой джентльмен посмотрел на нее с удивлением). "You? Frightened? (Вы? Напуганы?)"
"Well (ну)," Mrs. Harris confided (сказала по секрету/доверилась), "you know, the French (вы знаете, французы) ..."
frightened [fraItnd], death [deT], confide [kqn'faId]
They now understood one another as did old friends who had much in life behind them.
"I wouldn't let on to anyone else," Mrs. Harris confessed from the comfort of her new-found friendship, "but I was frightened to death to come 'ere."
The old man looked at her in astonishment. "You? Frightened?"
"Well," Mrs. Harris confided, "you know, the French . |