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Colbert's heart sank. She knew the woman and the breed. She bought not for love of clothes, but for the ostentation of it. Nevertheless, she spent money. To temporize Mme. Colbert said: "I am sorry, madame, but I have no recollection of reserving this seat for a friend of yours, but I will look."


"It is not necessary to look (нет необходимости смотреть). I told you (я сказала вам) I wished this seat for a friend (я бы хотела это место для подруги). Do as I say at once (делайте, как я говорю, немедленно). You must be out of your mind (вы должно быть сошли с ума: «вне вашего ума») to place such a person next to me (поместить такую особу рядом со мной)."

The old gentleman next to Mrs. Harris was beginning to color (пожилой джентльмен рядом с миссис Харрис начинал краснеть/багроветь), the crimson rising from the neckline of his collar (темно-красный /цвет/ /при этом/ поднимался от края его воротничка) and spreading to his ears (и распространялся к его ушам). His blue eyes were turning as frosty as his white fringe (его голубые глаза становились такими же холодными: «морозными», как его белая челка; frosty — морозный; ледяной, холодный, зябкий; седой, убеленный сединами).


necessary ['nesqsqrI], crimson [krImzn], collar ['kOlq]


"It is not necessary to look. I told you I wished this seat for a friend. Do as I say at once. You must be out of your mind to place such a person next to me."

The old gentleman next to Mrs. Harris was beginning to color, the crimson rising from the neckline of his collar and spreading to his ears. His blue eyes were turning as frosty as his white fringe.


For a moment Mme. Colbert was tempted (на мгновение мадам Кольбер согласилась/поддалась искушению; to tempt — уговаривать, убеждать). Surely the little cleaning woman from London would understand (конечно, эта маленькая уборщица из Лондона поймет) if she explained to her (если она объяснит ей) that there had been an error in the reservations (что произошла ошибка в резервировании мест) and the seat was taken (и место было занято). She would be able to see just as much from the head of the stairs (она смогла бы увидеть точно столько же с верхней площадки лестницы). Her glance traveled to Mrs. Harris (ее взгляд переместился к миссис Харрис) sitting there in her shabby coat and preposterous hat (сидящей там в своем потертом пальто и нелепой шляпе). And the object of this contretemps (и объект этого непредвиденного затруднения), not understanding a word of the conversation (не понимая ни одного слова этого разговора), looked up at her with her sunniest and most trusting apple-cheeked smile (посмотрела на нее с самой радостной и доверчивой розовощекой улыбкой). "Ain't you the dear (разве вы не прелесть) to put me 'ere with all these nice people (поместить = что посадили меня со всеми этими милыми людьми)," she said. "I couldn't be 'appier if I was a millionaire (я не могла бы быть более счастливой, /даже/ если бы я была миллионершей)".


surely ['SuqlI], head [hed], contretemps ['kO:NtrqtQ:N]


For a moment Mme. Colbert was tempted. Surely the little cleaning woman from London would understand if she explained to her that there had been an error in the reservations and the seat was taken. She would be able to see just as much from the head of the stairs. Her glance traveled to Mrs. Harris sitting there in her shabby coat and preposterous hat. And the object of this contretemps, not understanding a word of the conversation, looked up at her with her sunniest and most trusting apple-cheeked smile. "Ain't you the dear to put me 'ere with all these nice people," she said. "I couldn't be 'appier if I was a millionaire".


A worried-looking man (встревоженно выглядящий мужчина) in striped trousers and frock coat (в полосатых брюках и сюртуке) appeared at the head of the salon (появился в передней части зала; head — голова; передняя часть).

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