consequence ['kOnsIkwqns], supreme [sju:'pri:m], overpoweringly ["quvq'pauqrINlI]
Many thoughts and fears had raced through the Frenchwoman's mind: her job, prestige of the firm, possible loss of a wealthy client, consequences of defiance of authority. Yet she also knew that though M. Armand was her superior, on this floor she was in supreme command. And now that the unwitting Mrs. Harris was the subject of a cruel attack, the head saleswoman experienced more than ever the feeling of kinship and sisterhood with this strange little visitor from across the Channel returning overpoweringly.
Whatever happened (что бы ни случилось), oust her she could not and would not (выгонять ее она не могла и не стала бы). It would be like beating an innocent child (это было бы все равно что побить невинного ребенка). She thrust out her firm round chin at M. Armand and declared (она выпятила свой крепкий круглый подбородок в сторону мсье Арманда и заявила): "Madame has every right to be seated there (мадам имеет полное право быть посаженной здесь). She has journeyed here from London (она проделала путь сюда из Лондона) especially to buy a dress (специально, чтобы купить платье). If you wish her removed (если вы желаете, чтобы она была удалена), do it yourself (сделайте это сами), for I will not (потому что я не буду)."
oust [aust], innocent ['Inqsqnt], journey ['dZq:nI]
Whatever happened, oust her she could not and would not. It would be like beating an innocent child. She thrust out her firm round chin at M. Armand and declared: "Madame has every right to be seated there. She has journeyed here from London especially to buy a dress. If you wish her removed, do it yourself, for I will not."
Mrs. Harris guessed she was being discussed (миссис Харрис догадалась, что она была обсуждаема = стала предметом разговора) and identified too the city of her birth (и узнала также город своего рождения), but took no hint (но совершенно не поняла: «не взяла намек») as to the import of the discussion (относительно важности этой дискуссии). She gathered (она сделала вывод; to gather — собирать; делать вывод) that Mme. Colbert had acquainted the gentleman in the frock coat (что мадам Кольбер познакомила джентльмена в сюртуке) with the story of her ambitions (с историей ее стремлений). She therefore favored him with her most engaging smile (она поэтому наградила его своей самой очаровательной улыбкой) and, in addition, tipped him a large and knowing wink (и, в дополнение = кроме того, вознаградила его значительным и понимающим подмигиванием; to tip — «давать на чай», «благодарить»).
guess [ges], identify [aI'dentIfaI], therefore ['DeqfO:]
Mrs. Harris guessed she was being discussed and identified too the city of her birth, but took no hint as to the import of the discussion. She gathered that Mme. Colbert had acquainted the gentleman in the frock coat with the story of her ambitions. She therefore favored him with her most engaging smile and, in addition, tipped him a large and knowing wink.
The old gentleman had in the meantime resumed both his seat and his normal color (пожилой джентльмен тем временем вновь обрел как свое место, так и свой нормальный цвет), but he was staring at Mme. Colbert (но он пристально глядел на мадам Кольбер), his face lit up with a kind of fierce and angry joy (его лицо /при этом/ загорелось своего рода свирепым и сердитым восторгом; to light — зажигать /свет/, освещать). He had momentarily forgotten Mrs. Harris (он на мгновение забыл миссис Харрис) in his discovery of something new (в своем открытии чего-то нового), or rather on the contrary, something very old and almost forgotten (или, скорее наоборот, чего-то очень старого и почти забытого) — a Frenchwoman of selfless courage (француженки /проявляющей/ самоотверженное мужество), honor and integrity (благородство и прямоту). |