fierce [fIqs], momentarily ['mqumqntqrIlI], integrity [In'tegrItI]
The old gentleman had in the meantime resumed both his seat and his normal color, but he was staring at Mme. Colbert, his face lit up with a kind of fierce and angry joy. He had momentarily forgotten Mrs. Harris in his discovery of something new, or rather on the contrary, something very old and almost forgotten — a Frenchwoman of selfless courage, honor and integrity.
As for M. Armand (что касается мсье Арманда), he hesitated — and was lost (он сомневался — и запутался/растерялся). Mme. Colbert's firm stand as well as Mrs. Harris' wink had unnerved him (решительное сопротивление мадам Кольбер, а также подмигивание миссис Харрис лишили его присутствия духа). Some of Dior's best clients (некоторые лучшие клиенты Диора), he was aware (он знал), were frequently most odd-appearing and eccentric women (зачастую имели очень странный: «странно выглядящий» и эксцентричный вид). Mme. Colbert was supposed to know what she was doing (предполагалось, что мадам Кольбер знает, что делает). Throwing up his hands in a gesture of surrender (вскинув руки в жесте капитуляции), he fled the battlefield (он сбежал с поля битвы; to flee — убегать; спасаться бегством).
The wife of the speculator snapped (жена биржевика огрызнулась): "You will hear further about this (вы еще услышите об этом = вам еще попадет за это; further — дальнейший; далее; затем). I think, Madame Colbert, this will cost you your position (я думаю, мадам Кольбер, это будет стоить вам вашего места)," got up and stalked from the room (поднялась и гордо вышла из зала; to stalk — шествовать, гордо выступать; вышагивать; stalk — цветоножка; стебель, черенок).
frequently ['fri:kwqntlI], eccentric [Ik'sentrIk], stalk [stO:k]
As for M. Armand, he hesitated — and was lost. Mme. Colbert's firm stand as well as Mrs. Harris' wink had unnerved him. Some of Dior's best clients, he was aware, were frequently most odd-appearing and eccentric women. Mme. Colbert was supposed to know what she was doing. Throwing up his hands in a gesture of surrender, he fled the battlefield.
The wife of the speculator snapped: "You will hear further about this. I think, Madame Colbert, this will cost you your position," got up and stalked from the room.
"Ah, but this I think it will not (ах, это, я думаю, не будет /стоить/)!" The speaker was now the old gentleman (говорящим был теперь пожилой джентльмен) with the tufted eyebrows (с хохлатыми бровями), fiercely prominent nose (сильно выступающим носом) and the rosette of the Légion d'Honneur in his buttonhole (и розочкой ордена Почетного Легиона в петлице). He arose and declaimed somewhat dramatically (он поднялся и произнес с пафосом несколько театрально): "I am proud to have been a witness (я горд быть свидетелем) that the spirit of true democracy (что дух истинной демократии) is not entirely extinguished in France (не полностью уничтожен во Франции) and that decency and honor still have some adherents (и что порядочность и честь до сих пор имеют некоторых сторонников). If there are any difficulties over this (если возникнут: «есть» какие-то затруднения относительно этого) I will speak to the Patron myself (я поговорю с шефом лично)."
tufted ['tAftId], rosette [rqu'zet], extinguish [Iks'tINgwIS]
"Ah, but this I think it will not!" The speaker was now the old gentleman with the tufted eyebrows, fiercely prominent nose and the rosette of the Légion d'Honneur in his buttonhole. He arose and declaimed somewhat dramatically: "I am proud to have been a witness that the spirit of true democracy is not entirely extinguished in France and that decency and honor still have some adherents. |