The County Clerk has his office in a huge red brick
building known as the Old Court House. Civil cases are,
in fact, tried there, the proceeding inexorably dragging
out until the contestants die or abandon litigation. This
is due to the vast number of records pertaining to abso-
lutely everything, all filed in the wrong place so that
no one but the County Clerk and his staff of assistants
can find them, and he often spends years in the search.
In fact, he is still looking for material relative to a dam-
age suit that was settled out of court in 1910. Large
sections of the Old Court House have fallen in ruins,
and others are highly dangerous owing to frequent
cave-ins. The County Clerk assigns the more dangerous
missions to his assistants, many of whom have lost their
lives in the service. In 1912 two hundred and seven
assistants were trapped in a collapse of the North-by-
North-East wing.
When suit is brought against anyone in the Zone, his
lawyers connive to have the case transferred to the Old
Court House. Once this is done, the plaintiff has lost the
case, so the only cases that actually go to trial in the
Old Court House are those instigated by eccentrics and
paranoids who want "a public hearing," which they
rarely get since only the most desperate famine of news
will bring a reporter to the Old Court House.
The Old Court House is located in the town of Pigeon
Hole outside the urban zone. The inhabitants of this
town and the surrounding area of swamps and heavy
timber are people of such great stupidity and such bar-
barous practices that the Administration has seen Bt to
quarantine them in a reservation surrounded by a radio-
active wall of iron bricks. In retaliation the citizens of
Pigeon Hole plaster their town with signs: "Urbanite
Don't Let The Sun Set On You Here," an unnecessary
injunction, since nothing but urgent business would
take any urbanite to Pigeon Hole.
Lee's case is urgent. He has to file an immediate affi-
davit that he is suffering from bubonic plague to avoid
eviction from the house he has occupied ten years with-
out paying the rent. He exists in perpetual quarantine.
So he packs his suitcase of affidavits and petitions and
injunctions and certificates and takes a bus to the
Frontier. The Urbanite customs inspector waves him
through: "I hope you've got an atom bomb in that suit-
case. |