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..  which   being  the   pattern  of
their  lives....  Now every  child knows  there is  one law
of  gambling: winning  and losing  come in  streaks. Plunge
when  you  win, fold  when you  lose. ( I  once knew  a fag
dip into  the till  -- not  the whole  two thousand  at once
on  the  nose  win  or  Sing  Sing.  Not  our  Gertie... Oh
no a deuce at a time... )
  "So  he  loses  and  loses  and lose  some more.  One day
he is about to put a  rock in  a set  when the  obvious oc-
cur. 'Of course, I'll replace it later.' Famous last words.
So  all  that winter,  one after  the other,  the diamonds,
emeralds,  pearls, rubies  and star  sapphires of  the haut
monde go in hock and replaced by queer replicas....
  "So the opening night of the Met this old hag appear
as she thinks resplendent in her diamond tiara. So this
other old whore approach and say, 'Oh, Miggles, you're
so smart... to leave the real ones at home.... I mean
we're simply mad to go around tempting fate.'
  " 'You're mistaken, my dear. These are real.'
  " 'Oh but Miggles dahling, they're not.... I mean ask
your jeweler.... Well just ask anybody. Haaaaaa.'
  "So a Sabbath is hastily called. (Lucy Bradshinkel,
look to thy emeralds. ) All these old witches examining
their rocks like a citizen find leprosy on himself.
  " 'My chicken blood ruby!'
  " 'My black oopalls!' Old bitch marry so many times
so many gooks and spics she don't know her accent
from her ass....
  " 'My stah sahphire!' shriek a poule de luxe. 'Oh it's
all so awfull'
  " 'I mean they are strictly from Woolworth's....'
  " 'There's only one thing to do. I'm going to call the
police,' says a strong-minded, outspoken old thing; and
she clump across the floor on her low heels and calls the
  "Well, the faggot draws a deuce; and in the box he
meets this cat who is some species of cheap hustler, and
love sets in or at least a facsimile thereof convince the
parties inna first and second parts. As continuity would
have it, they are sprung at the same time more or less
and take up residence in a fiat on the Lower East Side.
...And cook in and both are working legit modest jobs.
...So Brad and Jim know happiness for the first time.
  "Enter the powers of evil.... Lucy Bradshinkel has
come to say all is forgiven She has faith in Brad and
wants to set him up in a studio. Of course, he will have
to move to the East Sixties.... 'This place is impossible,
dahling; and your friend...' And a safe mob wants Jim
back to drive a car. This is a step up, you dig? Offer
from citizens hardly see him before.
  "Will Jim go back to crime? Will Brad succumb to
the blandishments of an aging vampire, a ravening
Maw?... Needless to say, the forces of evil are routed
and exit with ominous snarls and mutterings.
  " 'The Boss isn't going to like this.'
  " 'I don't know why I ever wasted my time with you,
you cheap, vulgar little fairy.'
  "The boys stand at the tenement window, their arms
around each other, looking at the Brooklyn Bridge.
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