... I told him, 'Jack, I don't
hafta stand still for such a routine like this.... You can
take that business to Walgreen's.' Some people got no
class to them. Another horrible old character just sits
there and telepathizes and creams in his dry goods. So
The bum boys fall back in utter confusion to the
brink of the Soviet network where Cossacks hang parti-
sans to the wild wail of bagpipes and the boys march up
Fifth Avenue to be met by Jimmy Walkover with the
keys to The Kingdom and no strings attached carry
them loose in your pocket....
Why so pale and wan, fair bugger? Smell of dead
leeches in a rusty tin can latch onto that live wound,
suck out the body and blood and bones of Jeeeeesus,
leave him paralyzed from the waist down.
Yield up thy forms, boy, to thy sugar daddy got the
exam three years early and know all the answer books
fix the World Series.
Slunk traffickers tail a pregnant cow to her labor. The
farmer declares a couvade, rolls screaming in bullshit.
The veterinarian wrestles with a cow skeleton. The traf-
fickers machinegun each other, dodging through the
machinery and silos, storage bins, haylofts and mangers
of a vast red barn. The calf is born. The forces of death
melt in morning. Farm boy kneels reverently -- his throat
pulses in the rising sun.
Junkies sitting on the courthouse steps, waiting on
The Man. Red Necks in black stetsons and faded Levis
tie a Nigra boy to an old iron lamppost and cover him
with burning gasoline.... The junkies rush over and
draw the flesh smoke deep into their aching lungs....
They really got relief....
The County Clerk: "So there I was sitting in front
of Jed's store over in Cunt Lick my peter standing up
straight as a jack pine under my Levis just apulsin' in
the sun.... Weell, old Doc Scranton walks by, a good
old boy too, there's not a finer man in this valley than
Doc Scranton. He's got a prolapsed asshole and when
he wants to get screwed he'll pass you his ass on three
feet of in-tes-tine.... If he's a mind to it he can drop
out a piece of gut reaches from his office clear over to
Roy's Beer Place, and it go feelin' around lookin' for a
peter, just afeelin' around like a blind worm.... So old
Doc Scranton sees my peter and he stops like a pointin'
dog and he says to me, 'Luke, I can take your pulse
from here.' "
Browbeck and Young Seward fight with hog castra-
tors through barns and cages and yiping kennels...
whinnying horses bare great yellow teeth, cows bellow,
dogs howl, copulating cats scream like babies, a pen of
huge hogs, spines bristling, give a great Bronx cheer. |