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  P.L.: "You see? This is pure uncut boy in the street."
  "You sure can pick'em, boss."
  "M.I. never misses."
  P.L.: "Now look, kid, let's put it this way.  The French
have dispossessed you of your birthright."
  "You  mean  like  Friendly  Finance?...  They  got  this
toothless  Egyptian eunuch  does the  job. They  figure he
arouse  less  antagonism,  you  dig,  he always  take down
his  pants  to  show you  his condition.  'Now I'm  just a
poor  old eunuch  trying to  keep up  my habit.  Lady, I'd
like to give you an extension on that artificial  kidney, I
got  a  job  to do  is all....  Disconnect her,  boys.' He
shows  his  gums in  a feeble  snarl.... 'Not  for nothing
am I known as Nellie the Repossessor.'
  "So  they  disconnect  my  own  mother, the  sainted old
gash,  and  she  swell  up  and turn  black and  the whole
souk stink of  piss and  the neighbors  beef to  the Board
of Health and my father say: 'It's the will of  Allah. She
won't piss any more of my loot down the drain.'
  "Sick  people  disgust  me  already.  When  some citizen
start telling me about his cancer of  the prostate  or his
rotting  septum  make  with  that  purulent   discharge  I
tell him: 'You think I  am innarested  to hear  about your
horrible old condition? I am not innarested at all.' "
   P.L.: "All right. Cut... You  hate the  French, don't
   "Mister, I  hate everybody.  Doctor Benway  says it's
metabolic, I got this condition  of the  blood.... Arabs
and  Americans  got  it  special....  Doctor  Benway  is
concocting this serum."
   P.L.: "Benway is an infiltrating Western Agent."
   L.l: "A rampant French Jew..."
   L.2:  "A hog-balled,  black-assed Communist  Jew Nig-
   P.L.: "Shut up, you fool!"
   L.2:  "Sorry, chief.  I am  after being  stationed in
   P.L.: "Don't go  near Benway."  (Aside: "I  wonder if
this will  go down.  You never  know how  primitive they
are....") "Confidentially he's a black magician."
   L.l: "He's got this resident djinn."
   "Uhuh... Well I got  a date  with a  high-type Ameri-
can client. A real classy fellah."
   P.L.: "Don't you  know it's  shameful to  peddle your
ass to the alien unbelieving pricks?"
   "Well that's a point of view. Have fun."
   P.L.: "Likewise." Exit boy. "They're hopeless  I tell
you. Hopeless."
   L.l. "What's with this serum?"
   P.L.: "I don't know, but it sounds ominous. We better
put a telepathic  direction finder  on Benway.  The man's
not  to be  trusted.
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