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  In a  white museum  room full  of sunlight  pink nudes
sixty feet high. Vast adolescent muttering.
  Silver guard rail... chasm a  thousand feet  down into
the glittering sunlight. Little: green plots  of cabbage
and lettuce. Brown youths  with adzes  spied by  the old
queen across a sewage canal.
  "Oh dear, I wonder  if they  fertilize with  human ex-
crement.... Maybe they'll do it right now."
  He  Hips  out mother  of pearl  opera glasses  -- Aztec
mosaic in the sun.
  Long  line  of  Greek  lads  march  up  with alabaster
bowls of shit, empty into the limestone marl hole.
  Dusty  poplars  shake  across the  red brick  Plaza de
Toros in the afternoon wind.
  Wooden  cubicles  around  a  hot  spring...  rubble of
ruined walls in  a grove  of cottonwoods...  the benches
worn smooth as metal by a million masturbating boys.
  Greek  lads  white  as  marble fuck  dog style  on the
portico  of  a  great  golden  temple...  naked  Mugwump
twangs a lute.
  Walking  down  by the  tracks in  his red  sweater met
Sammy the Dock Keeper's son with two Mexicans.
  "Hey, Skinny," he said, "want to get screwed?"
  "Well... Yeah."
  On  a  ruined  straw mattress  the Mexican  pulled him
up on all fours --  Negro boy  dance around  them beating
out the strokes... sun  through a  knot hole  pink spot-
lights his cock.
  A  waste of  raw pink  shame to  the pastel  blue horizon
where vast iron mesas crash into the shattered sky,
  "It's  all  right."  The  God  screams through  you three
thousand year rusty load....
  Hail  of  crystal  skulls  shattered  the  greenhouse  to
slivers in the winter moon....
  The  American  woman  has  left  a  whiff  of  poison be-
hind in the dank St. Louis garden party.
  Pool  covered  with  green  slime  in  a   ruined  French
garden.  Huge  pathic  frog  rises  slowly  from  the water
on a mud platform playing the clavichord.
  A Sollubi rushes into  the bar  and starts  polishing The
Saint's shoes with the oil on his nose.... The  Saint kicks
him  petulantly   in  the   mouth.  The   Sollubi  screams,
whirls  around  and  shits  on the  Saint's pants.  Then he
dashes into  the street.  A pimp  looks after  him specula-
  The  Saint  calls  the  manager:  "Jesus, Al,  what kinda
creep  joint  you  running  here?  My  brand  new  fishskin
  "I'm sorry, Saint. He slipped by me."
  (The  Sollubi are  an untouchable  caste in  Arabia noted
for  their  abject  vileness.  De  luxe cafes  are equipped
with  Sollubi who  rim the  guests while  they eat  -- holes
in  the seating  benches being  provided for  this purpose.
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