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... Wait'll the morning edi-
tion hits the souks. I am blasting Amalgamated Images
wide open.'
  "The bartender looks up from his racing form. 'Yeah.
And theirs will be a painful doom.'
  " 'Oh... uh... quite. Now, Gus, I'll write you a
  "'You are only being the most notorious paper hanger
in Greater Mecca. I am not a wall, Mr. Mohammed.'
  " 'Well, Gus, I got like two types publicity, favorable
and otherwise. You want some otherwise already? I am
subject to receive a Surah concerning bartenders who
extendeth not credit to those in a needy way.'
  " 'And theirs will be a painful doom. Sold Arabia.' He
vaults over the bar. 'I'm not taking any more, Ahmed.
Pick up thy Surahs and walk. In fact, I'll help you. And
stay out.'
  "'I'll fix your wagon good, you unbelieving cock-
sucker. I'll close you up tight and dry as a junky's ass-
hole. I'll by Allah dry up the Peninsula.'
  " 'It's a continent already....'
  "Leave what Confucius say stand with Little Audrey
and the shaggy dogs. Lao-Tze? They scratch him al-
ready...'. And enough of these gooey saints with a look
of pathic dismay as if they getting fucked up the ass
and try not to pay it any mind. And why should we let
some old brokendown ham tell us what wisdom is?
'Three thousand years in show business and I always
keep my nose clean....'
  "First, every Fact is incarcerate along with the male
hustlers and those who desecrate the gods of commerce
by playing ball in the streets, and some old white-
haired fuck staggers out to give us the benefits of his
ripe idiocy. Are we never to be free of this grey-beard
loon lurking on every mountain top in Tibet, subject to
drag himself out of a hut in the Amazon, waylay one
in the Bowery? 'I've been expecting you, my son,' and
he make with a silo full of corn. 'Life is a school where
every pupil must learn a different lesson. And now I
will unlock my Word Hoard....'
  " 'I do fear it much.'
  " 'Nay, nothing shall stem the rising tide.'
  " 'I can't stem him, boys. Sauve qui peut.'
  " 'I tell you when I leave the Wise Man I don't even
feel like a human. He converting my live orgones into
dead bullshit.'
  "So I got an exclusive why don't I make with the live
word? The word cannot be expressed direct.... It can
perhaps be indicated by mosaic of juxtaposition like
articles abandoned in a hotel drawer, defined by nega-
tives and absence....
  "Think I'll have my stomach tucked.... I may be
old, but I'm still desirable."
  (The Stomach Tuck is surgical intervention to re-
move stomach fat at the same time making a tuck in the
abdominal wall, thus creating a flesh corset, which is,
however, subject to break and spurt your horrible old
guts across the Boor.... The slim and shapely F.C.
models are, of course, the most dangerous. In fact, some
extreme models are known as O.N.S.-- One Night Stands
-- in the industry.
  Doctor "Doodles" Rindfest states bluntly: "Bed is
the most dangerous place for an F.C. man."
  The F.C. theme song is "Believe Me If All These
Endearing  Young  Charms."  An  F.C.  partner  is indeed
subject to "fleet from your arms like fairy gifts fading
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