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Mind you (можете быть уверены), you got to 'ave a bit o' luck as well (вы также должны получить немного удачи). Now tyke me (к примеру я; tyke = take), after I won a hundred pounds on a football pool (после того, как я выиграла сто фунтов на футбольном тотализаторе) I said to meself (я сказала себе; meself = myself), 'That's a sign, Ada 'Arris (это знак, Ада Харрис),' so I started syving and 'ere I am (таким образом я начала экономить и вот я здесь)."


ignore [Ig'nO:], sarcasm ['sQ:kxzm], scrimp [skrImp]


Mme. Colbert ignored the sarcasm. She was looking now at the pile of money and shaking her head in amazement. "But however did you…?"

"Scrimped and syved," said Mrs. Harris. "It's took me three years. But if you want somefink bad enough, there's always ways. Mind you, you got to 'ave a bit o' luck as well. Now tyke me, after I won a hundred pounds on a football pool I said to meself, 'That's a sign, Ada 'Arris,' so I started syving and 'ere I am."


Mme. Colbert had a flash of intuition (мадам Кольбер на мгновенье представила: «имела вспышку интуиции») as to what "syving" meant to such a person (что означала «экономия» для такого человека), and a wave of admiration (и волна восхищения) for the courage and gallantry of the little woman (мужеством и смелостью этой маленькой женщины) passed through her (прошла cквозь нее = охватила ее). Perhaps if she herself had shown more of this kind of courage and tenacity (возможно, если бы она сама проявила больше подобного мужества и упорства), instead of taking out her frustration on innocent and helpless sales girls (вместо того, чтобы обрушивать свое расстройство на невинных и беззащитных продавщиц), she might have been able to accomplish something for her husband (она, возможно, была бы способна совершить что-нибудь для своего мужа).


courage ['kArIdZ], tenacity [tI'nxsItI], innocent ['Inqsqnt]


Mme. Colbert had a flash of intuition as to what "syving" meant to such a person, and a wave of admiration for the courage and gallantry of the little woman passed through her. Perhaps if she herself had shown more of this kind of courage and tenacity, instead of taking out her frustration on innocent and helpless sales girls, she might have been able to accomplish something for her husband.


She passed her hand over her brow again (она провела рукой по лбу еще раз) and came to a quick decision (и пришла к быстрому решению). "What is your name, my dear (как ваше имя, дорогая)?" When Mrs. Harris told her (когда миссис Харрис сказала ей) she filled it in quickly on an engraved card (она вписала его быстро в гравированную карточку) that said that M. Christian Dior, no less (в которой говорилось: «которая говорила», что мсье Кристиан Диор, не меньше), would be honored by her presence (будет /весьма/ почтен/ ее присутствием) at the showing of his collection that afternoon (на показе его коллекции сегодня днем). "Come back at three (возвращайтесь в три)," she said, and handed it to her (сказала она и вручила ее/карточку/ ей). "There really is no room (действительно нет /мест/ в зале), but I will make a place for you on the stairs (но я сделаю место для вас на ступеньках) from where you will be able to see the collection (откуда вы сможете увидеть коллекцию)."


decision [dI'sIZqn], engrave [In'greIv], honor ['Onq]


She passed her hand over her brow again and came to a quick decision. "What is your name, my dear?" When Mrs. Harris told her she filled it in quickly on an engraved card that said that M. Christian Dior, no less, would be honored by her presence at the showing of his collection that afternoon.

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