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  "Well,  might  as well  kiss and  make up.  There's noth-
ing mean or petty about me."
  They  shake  hands  without  enthusiasm  and   peck  each
other  on the  cheek. The  deal drags  on for  months. They
engage  the  services  of  an  Expeditor.   Finally  Marvie
emerges  with  a  check  for  42  Turkestan kurds  drawn on
an  anonymous  bank  in  South  America,  to  clear through
Amsterdam,  a  procedure  that  will  take   eleven  months
more or less.
  Now  he  can  relax  in  the  cafes  of  The   Plaza.  He
shows  a  photostatic  copy  of the  check. He  would never
show  the  original  of course,  lest some  envious citizen
spit  ink eradicator  on the  signature or  otherwise muti-
late the check.
  Everyone  asks  him  to  buy  drinks  and  celebrate, but
he laughs jovially and says, "Fact is I can't afford  to buy
myself a drink.  I already  spent every  kurd of  it buying
Penstrep for Ali's  clap. He's  down with  it fore  and aft
again.  I  came  near  kicking  the  little  bastard  right
through  the  wall  into  the  next bed.  But you  all know
what a sentimental old thing I am."
  Marvie does  buy himself  a shot  glass of  beer, squeez-
ing a blackened coin out of  his fly  onto the  table. "Keep
the change." The waiter sweeps  the coin  into a  dust pan,
he spits on the table and walks away.
  "Sore head! He's envious of my check."
  Marvie  had  been  in  Interzone  since "the  year before
one"  as  he  put  it. He  had been  retired from  some un-
specified position in the State Dept. "for  the good  of the
service."  Obviously  he  had once  been very  good looking
in a crew-cut, college boy  way, but  his face  had sagged
and  formed  lumps  under the  chin like  melting paraffin.
He was getting heavy around the hips.
  Leif  The  Unlucky was  a tall,  thin Norwegian,  with a
patch over  one eye,  his face  congealed in  a permanent,
ingratiating smirk.  Behind him  lay an  epic saga  of un-
successful enterprises.  He had  failed at  raising frogs,
chinchilla, Siamese fighting fish, rami and  culture pearls.
He  had  attempted,  variously  and  without  success,  to
promote   a   Love   Bird   Two-in-a-coffin   Cemetery,  to
corner  the  condom  market  during  the  rubber shortage,
to run a mail order  whore house,  to issue  penicillin as
a  patent  medicine.  He  had followed  disastrous betting
systems  in  the  casinos  of Europe  and the  race tracks
of  the  U.S.  His  reverses in  business were  matched by
the incredible mischances of his personal life.
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