The best stuff is extracted from the
blood of schizos; so schizophrenia is likely a drug psy-
chosis. They got a metabolic connection, a Man Within
you might say. ( Interested readers are referred to Ap-
pendix. )
"In the terminal stage of schizophrenia the backbrain
is permanently depressed, and the front brain is almost
without content since the front brain is only active in
response to backbrain stimulation.
"Morphine calls forth the antidote of backbrain stimu-
lation similar to schizo substance. ( Note similarity
between withdrawal syndrome and intoxication with
Yage or LSD6. ) Eventual result of junk use -- especially
true of heroin addiction where large doses are available
to the addict -- is permanent backbrain depression and
a state much like terminal schizophrenia: complete lack
of affect, autism, virtual absence of cerebral event. The
addict can spend eight hours looking at a wall. He is
conscious of his surroundings, hut they have no emo-
tional connotation and in consequence no interest. Re-
membering a period of heavy addiction is like playing
back a tape recording of events experienced by the
front brain alone. Flat statements of external events. 'I
went to the store and bought some brown sugar. I came
home and ate half the box. I took a three grain shot
etc.' Complete absence of nostalgia in these memories.
However, as soon as junk intake falls below par, the
withdrawal substance floods the body.
"If all pleasure is relief from tension, junk affords
relief from the whole life process, in disconnecting the
hypothalamus, which is the center of psychic energy
and libido.
"Some of my learned colleagues (nameless assholes)
have suggested that junk derives its euphoric effect
from direct stimulation of the orgasm center. It seems
more probable that junk suspends the whole cycle of
tension, discharge and rest. The orgasm has no function
in the junky. Boredom, which always indicates an un-
discharged tension, never troubles the addict. He can
look at his shoe for eight hours. He is only roused to
action when the hourglass of junk runs out."
At the far end of the ward an attendant throws up
an iron shutter and lets out a hog call. The junkies rush
up grunting and squealing.
"Wise guy," says Benway. "No respect for human
dignity. Now I'll show you the mild deviant and crimi-
nal ward. Yes, a criminal is a mild deviant here. |