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seems  the  electronic  brain  went  berserk  playing six-
dimensional  chess  with   the  Technician   and  released
every subject in the R.C.  Leave us  adjourn to  the roof.
Operation Helicopter is indicated."

  From  the  roof of  the R.C.  we survey  a scene  of un-
paralleled  horror.  IND's  stand around  in front  of the
cafe  tables, long  streamers of  saliva hanging  off their
chins, stomachs noisily churning, others ejaculate  at the
sight  of  women.  Latahs  imitate  the   passers-by  with
monkey-like  obscenity.  Junkies  have  looted  the  drug-
stores and fix on every street corner.... Catatonics deco-
rate  the parks....  Agitated schizophrenics  rush through
the  streets  with  mangled,  inhuman  cries.  A  group of
P.R.'s --  Partially Reconditioned  -- have  surrounded some
homosexual  tourists  with  horrible knowing  smiles show-
ing the Nordic skull beneath in double exposure.
  "What do you want?" snaps one of the queens.
  "We want to understand you."
  A  contingent  of  howling  simopaths  swing  from chan-
deliers,  balconies  and  trees,  shitting and  pissing on
passers-by.  (A  simopath  -- the  technical name  for this
disorder escapes me -- is a citizen convinced he is  an ape
or other simian. It is  a disorder  peculiar to  the army,
and  discharge  cures  it.) Amoks  trot along  cutting off
heads, faces sweet and  remote with  a dreamy  half smile.
...Citizens with incipient Bang-utot clutch  their penises
and call on the  tourists for  help.... Arab  rioters yipe
and  howl,   castrating,  disembowelling,   throw  burning
gasoline....  Dancing  boys  strip-tease  with intestines,
women stick severed genitals in  their cunts,  grind, bump
and Hick it at the man of their choice.... Religious
fanatics harangue the crowd from helicopters and rain
stone tablets on their heads, inscribed with meaningless
messages.... Leopard Men tear people to pieces with
iron claws, coughing and grunting.... Kwakiutl Canni-
bal Society initiates bite off noses and ears....
  A coprophage calls for a plate, shits on it and eats the
shit, exclaiming, "Mmmm, that's my rich substance."
  A battalion of rampant bores prowls the streets and
hotel lobbies in search of victims. An intellectual avant-
gardist -- *'Of course the only writing worth considering
now is to be found in scientific reports and periodicals"
-- has given someone a bulbocapnine injection and is
preparing to read him a bulletin on "the use of neo-
hemoglobin in the control of multiple degenerative
granuloma." ( Of course, the reports are all gibberish he
has concocted and printed up. )
  His opening words: "You look to me like a man of
intelligence." (Always ominous words, my boy ..
When you hear them stay not on the order of your
going but go at once. )
  An English colonial, assisted by five police boys, has
detained a subject in the club bar: "I say, do you know
Mozambique?" and he launches into the endless saga
of his malaria.
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